Feeling Blah

Jul 30, 2007 13:20

Just tired and out of sorts today. Down-ish. So, anyone who is not in the middle of their own personal dulldrums and can make with the cheering up, please to be doing so? *bats eyelashes* Picspams and porn are always appreciated ;)


'Wicked' on Saturday was really great. "Defying Gravity" made me cry. Again. I firmly believe that it always will wheneven I see it live. Our seats were three rows from the stage (well, technically 5 rows, but they took the first two out for the pit). Phenomenal.

I thought LDP on Psych was truly hilarious, too. Quite a fun parody (to me) of our steely Agent Edgerton. And shirtless wearing a shoulder holster? *guh*

Cyn, we'll have to remember for our next Charlie/Ian or CID fic that Ian has a tattoo. ;)
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