Jun 29, 2007 10:37
For the last week or so, there have been protesters at all the entrances to my office complex. We got an email yesterday telling us that these are union workers protesting the fact that the building management is using non-union workers to do some roof work on two of the buildings here. The protesters are calm and not making any attempt to prevent people from entering, but I am amused at their tactics.
Yesterday they showed up across the street with two GIANT inflatable rats and an inflatable "boss-man" like the kind you see in political cartoons from the Depression era. Today they're down to only one rat (maybe other rat and boss man ran off together?) and have come to our side of the street. The rat is also wearing a protest sign. *snort*
The only thing better than this that I've seen recently is the woman pushing a big stuffed blue gorilla in a baby carriage. But that's another story.
(For the record, I totally get these guy's point of view and respect what they are doing in every way. If were up to me, I'd use the union guys. But it's not.)