Summary of 2010...

Dec 28, 2010 20:17

Six Words: Most Difficult Year of My Life.

Right up there with 1999, when my maternal grandma died of cancer and my personal life was basically hell on earth.

Two campus strikes, one car crash, two family deaths, random instances of depression and losing sight of what's important, a lot of family arguing/problems was basically this year in the best way possible. I barely write here any more and I should aside from informing what's been happening at the huelga. But this year has proven two things to me: that I want to be a lawyer no matter the sacrifices I have to make and that sometimes online friends can be just as good as offline. When I first started playing, I used the games as a way to blow off steam from a bad day at class and I gained so many people (Nicci, Sam, Lex, Awbrey, Vin, among others) not just for my penpal project back in January but I frequently chat with. This has renewed my artistic and writing sense. I wish you all, both friends online and offline, a happy and prosperous year 2011.

Next year's goals: graduation, law school, hair cut, and a significant but realistic self-improvement regimen (ie, restart a good exercise routine, restart Shawn's Body, write more stories, ect)Six Words: Most Difficult Year of My Life.

Right up there with 1999, when my maternal grandma died of cancer and my personal life was basically hell on earth.

Two campus strikes, one car crash, two family deaths, random instances of depression and losing sight of what's important, a lot of family arguing was basically this year in the best way possible. I barely write here any more and I should aside from informing what's been happening at the huelga. But this year has proven two things to me: that I want to be a lawyer no matter the sacrifices I have to make and that sometimes online friends can be just as good as offline. When I first started playing, I used the games as a way to blow off steam from a bad day at class and I gained so many people (Nicci, Sam, Lex, Awbrey, Vin, among others) not just for my penpal project back in January but I frequently chat with. This has renewed my artistic and writing sense. I wish you all, both friends online and offline, a happy and prosperous year 2011.

Next year's goals: graduation, law school + CPA test, get a job to cover all these expenses, hair cut, and a significant but realistic self-improvement regimen (ie, restart a good exercise routine, organizing myself,)
att. the penguin

last day, life

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