A&A Plot event: The Red Crayon Aristocrat Club

Jul 19, 2010 03:40

A/N: Needed to jot this down before brain goes pbbt.

The Red Crayon Aristocrat Club: New Jersey Chapter

Welcome, everybody, to the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club! As you all know, all the adults are running amok and they need someone to set them straight! That said the hierarchy is as follows:

Princess of the Rose/Prince of the Valley

~the Bourgouise

Duke/Duchess- [VACANT]
Baron/Baroness- [VACANT]
Count/Countess- [VACANT]
Marquis/Marquise- [VACANT]
Lord/Lady- [VACANT]

All adults are MISERABLE BEGGARS, no exceptions. They are to follow our example and if not, they will be properly punished. These punishments are proper and just and will be delivered away from your eyes, you need not to be burdened by such matters. The only manner to spare an adult is to initiate them as a Courtesan and give that adult a red crayon. But that red crayon makes them bound to you and if they are

[Private to Klinger]

The Beggars are to be punished as you see fit but there are 4 extreme punishments you have at your disposal.
The Bug Bag, The Funeral, Sir Peter and at most extreme The Mermaid. Exercise caution in implementing these as the Aristocrats can NEVER know about these actions. If we want Order, we keep the children happy.

Notes on this Fog Event:
*People who die during this even will become dolls for the children to lay with but they will show the manner in which the person died (ex. stabbed to death = doll with cut wounds and blood spots, drowned = blue lips, water-stained clothes). The person will return to life and normal once the Fog recedes.
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