May 16, 2004 17:47
did u know that so far, out of the 3 eldest grandchildren from each family, i am the youngest and will be the first to graduate college, followed by my one else yet has even entered college, except for sara and she has 1 yr done out of 3 yrs proud of myself, if not for graduateing than just for being able to leave my surroundings behind and say fuck you im doing this the way i want to...=) and while i was quite the disrespectful, haphazard youth i have grown up and even my step mom who i thought hated me, told me today that i have changed and she is proud of me and so is my mom...=) AND I TALKED POLOTICS with my grandpa, he is so much smarter than he lets on...hes the than all this change has made me who i am, so is today the day I grew up, or was it a subtle learning of life and whats important......
you can never stop learning, if you ever reach that point theres no point to living because youll go no where.