Aggh, sorry for the intense lack of updates, universe. I was going to update all the time, because exciting things were going to happen all the time, but not so much so much. Meh. Anyway, exciting things have happened, and also I'm bored. Boring boy story backstory under cut.
Since orientation in the summer, I've pretty much been lusting over this one kid, Rex. He is muscletastic and funny, and we got along pretty well. He had a girlfriend at the time, so I backed off. They broke up. I stepped up. Of course, being me, I was being all subtle, and when my friends asked him what was up, he said he liked me as a friend. This is after me, all my friends on my floor, and my mother several states away all got the vibe he was in to me.
Oh well? Screw that.
But then, my RA asked me if I had last weekend available to help out a friend of hers, a film major RA, film a movie. All his actresses had punked out on him, and he'd have to cancel if he couldn't get a chick (more on the actual movie in a minute). Anyway, I said yes, because why not, and also it's called "I Married A Zombie" and how could I say no to that?
So Friday night from about 5 to 12.30, it was me and approx. 7 dudes filming in a house. I have a filthy mouth, which boys love, and I don't get offended, which boys love even more. Details of that adventure available on request. This kid filming was pretty cute (and kept focusing the camera on my cleavage, because boys are silly) and I got all bold on him. The dude playing my boyfriend had left the car we were filming in, and it was just me and camera boy, and, all tarty, I said, "My roommate's not here this weekend...Interpret at will." His face was priceless, oh lordy. He interpreted, I called him Saturday at maybe 11.15 at night, and the next morning, at the 7.30 shoot, neither of us had slept at all. :3 All the other were, you know, human beings, and it was 7.30 in the morning, and they'd all sort of been coming on to me? So this kid never heard the end of it. But I asked him yesterday if we were a thing, and we are, so we are. I has boyfriend! (For anyone keeping score, my last official thing was middle-end of 10th grade, I am now college freshie, and I quite frankly am not sure what to call the Austin thing, but it was definitely never official)
So yeah, zombies. Basically, Zach is getting ready to propose to Melanie. Before they leave for the restaurant, he goes out to bring his barking dog in. She finds the ring in his jacket pocket, he finds a zombie. She's excited, he's zombified. But she's so thrilled she doesn't notice as he gets excitingly more zombified over the course of the movie (which is all of ten minutes long, mi amigos, but took 12 hours Friday/Saturday to shoot and another 7 on Sunday), and, at the end, expecting him to pop the question, she holds out her finger, which he bites off. xp
It was fun. While Zach is off fighting the zombie, they self-censored his profanity by cutting to me: "You son of a--" "Basket!" We were going to do one with fudge, but we didn't have any, but there was a cat, and I'm sure you can fill that one in for yourself. I objectified myself, too, and the dudes were floored. Their respect for me went up, despite the fact I'm sure the general female opinion of me went down. That's okay. I like dudes better anyway.
We filmed at a restaurant on Sunday. I was freezing the entire time. The guys laughed at me. It was cold, I was tarted up (the original costume called for a cocktail dress. I haven't had anything remotely like that since my 9th grade Purim costume [Miss something...Miss Understood? I don't remember], which didn't even really fit then, so I was wearing a short skirt and a shirt/sweater combo with a lot of cleavage), and I'm a girl. So there.
Let's see...I also auditioned for this serial radio program, because a friend guilted me into it, and I haven't heard back about that. Will update should that turn into anything.
Finished a short story called "A Patchwork of Scars." I've never felt so strongly about a short story that I felt I could get it published, so this is a first for me. Possibly because it stands alone. But I'm really going to try with this one, suckers.
...I have a boy! 8D