May 13, 2002 10:27
I designed some kind of Super-Walmart on the computer at work. It was huge, and to my surprise they built it by the end of the week. I went to visit it and George W. Bush was there and he greeted me. He asked me how long it took me to design the thing and I said "a week" and he was in awe. Then he arranged for pictures to be taken from outside the store while he shook my hand. But he kept saying that I shook his hand wrong, and he kept correcting me. "Do it like this, a little firmer, but not too firm" I was really annoyed by this. After the flashing of the cameras, we went inside. We left Bill Clinton's red buggy outside. "Hopefully nobody will steal it" he said.
Inside, we walked around and we found Bill Clinton with his family. They all shook my hand (without complaining about my shake) and then we walked down the aisles admiring how high each stack of goods went. Hilary was real nice, and so was Bill.
Which reminds me of this time I came home and my roommate Dawn had folded her arms and legs inside of their sleeves so that they looked like little nubs. I thought "Oh! What a cute kitten" so I picked her up and pet her. Then I put her down and went to the restroom. When I came out, she had unfolded her legs so that she was standing up. But her arms were still nubs and she started chasing me with them! I was so scared I almost peed myself, except I had just taken a leak so I didn't.