the dogs go crazy over the slightest noise. i find that amusing.
i've been updating my second journal more often than this one lately. which is silly. i mean, i know i talked about cats a lot, but the fact that that's ALL i have to talk about? ::sigh:: i havent gotten around to friending anyone on that journal yet, and im thinking i'll only friend those who friend that journal anyways b/c honestly, you guys are already on my friends list here and it isnt like i need you on 2 seperate friends pages, right? and i dont want people to feel obligated to read that one if i do friend them, b/c i know that the cat stuff just isnt interesting to a lot of people.
i was planning to go to class today but i didnt. i NEED to go on thursday tho. no excuses. i took all of daddy's things that resa nor i wanted/had room for to goodwill. they wouldnt take the mattresses, so i went to the mission thrift. they wouldnt take them either. finally, after an hour of driving around, the salvation army took them. so that was the highlight of my day. then i went to debra's to help her and mom set out a couple of my traps in the attic (she has squirrels).
speaking of mother, she really upset me tonight. we signed the lease-purchase contract last week and i've already cashed out Marcell's deposit. i wrote the check for the new carpets. they took out the leaky toilet and hot water heater and are installing them tonight. and mother calls me at 7pm (when, keep in mind, marcell gets possesion TOMORROW) to inform me that we got a letter from the tax commissioner stating that daddys tax break is no longer in effect (since he's dead) so the taxes on the condo are going to double/possibly triple. let me explain how this breaks down:
primary mortgage (inc. current taxes) = 445
secondary mortgage = 86
condo assoc. fees = 179
total = 710
marcell is paying us 750/mo
which leaves us 40/month as a buffer for repairs/SSA.
taxes are currently a little over 500/yr. lets say, for convenience, they go up to 1200 (which my mother says is a very conservative estimate). that would be 100/mo total, which is an increase of roughly 60/mo. which means, for you math majors out there, that we would be losing 20$/mo on the condo.
mothers suggestion: scrap the deal and hand the condo over to the bank.
i asked her why she couldnt find out an exact figure on the tax increase and talk to marcell. i thought it would be reasonable to ask marcell to increase her rent by the amount of the tax increase, and we would take that amount out of the sale price when she buys the condo at the end of the lease period. but mother just "doesnt want to deal with it anymore." she's "sick of dealing with it" and she doesn't want to do it anymore. and thats that. so we fought about it over the phone for about 30 minutes, and finally she agreed to talk to marcell about it, but after thursday she will have nothing more to do with it. and apparently, this is all my fault b/c i was "supposed" to find out about the taxes when i went to the courthouse to file the petition for no administration. of course, no one told me i was supposed to do that, i was apparently supposed to conjure all of this property knowledge out of the air and figure it out for myself. god, i am such a failure. i cant even magically know things without anyone even hinting that i am supposed to know them! how stupid am i that i didn't know that "file this form" meant "file this form AND find out about taxes, etc?" no wonder mother says i'm the "evil child."
and yes, she actually says that, and its only kind of in jest.
im sorry that i only post on here when i have something to bitch about. i promise i'll make a happy entry sometime soon. hopefully my trip will call for a happy entry, although i don't know if that would go on here or on the trap_happy journal... i suppose both? eh...
speaking of my trip, i leave in 3 days, so if anyone would like to hang out before i go let me know and i will make time.
this is assuming that erik's dr. gives him a clean (or at least, not horrible) bill of health. if he does in fact have a hernia, i will of course be staying at home. i can't exactly expect him to take care of himself AND all of the animals if he's got a fucking hernia. so i really really really hope he's ok, for many reasons chief among them being that i want him to not be in horrible pain, and secondly i want to go on my trip.
now i'm off to feed the dogs, and after that i will be updating
trap_happy and then the dog house site. then i get to try my hand at updating the database, which will be tricky but fun, since i am a dork.
and a happy note to offset the angst: oreos are tasty and jacquie is awesome. yeah, that's right. you heard me.