An actual update

Sep 23, 2005 16:27

Well, everyone, I've been pretty busy lately. I'm sure quite a few of you are wondering why. Here's a few things on my to-do list:

1. pay sorority dues and other bills
2. find an internship for January-March (has to be in a medical records department)
3. figure out my love-life (including the weird turns it took last night)
4. minor surgery scheduled for 10/13
5. spend time with the girls in my sorority (after all, I won't be here after December)
6. the ever-present HOMEWORK
7. sinus infection

The majority of my time have been spent on Nos 2, 3, and 6.

But things are calming down. I have NO CLUE where I'm going to go for an internship, but I have some possible sites I just have to contact them.

So, how about some basic, inane-type of things?
-I am so incredibly happy NOT to be a DSM anymore, even if I am still, in some small way, the Housing Department's Bitch.
-True, I have to work 3:30-7am every Tuesday morning, but Travis and I have turned it into a "movie time" which is actually rather exciting.
-I love my German class and I'm so incredibly happy that I decided to re-take 201 (I had 201 at MSU about 3 years ago) instead of starting Spanish and, possibly, never finishing it.
-My top 3 internship cities (and possible sites) are: Sparrow Hospital or Ingham County General in Lansing, Hurly, McLaren, or Genysys in Flint, or Spectrum in Grand Rapids.
-I miss my Wednesday nights with John and Dan like WHOA. I also miss Beth J and Greg.
-I actually enjoy walking from Bond Hall to the Starr for class every day.
-I still have a crippling Coke (a-Cola) addiction.
-I enjoy knitting, I just need the money to buy some yarn!
-Amber is an awesome suitemate!
-I wake up every morning and see a poster of Dane Cook taped to my bathroom mirror!
-There was a thunderstorm two nights ago and I've never slept better.
-I graduate in December!
-I have two friends who are running for Homecoming Queen and I'm pretty torn between the two of them.
-I have Lilac air freshner in my room and I ADORE it!
-I don't know if it's because I've dyed it so much or I'm using the wrong shampoo, but some of my hair has been pretty gnarly lately and I don't know what to do about it.
-My new gynocologist is very handsome...and young...but the name "Martin" just doesn't "do it" for me.
-I'm moving out of Michigan after I gradute! (Better job market and...well, it'll just be better!)
-I now know three people who graduate from schools in Michigan in May and are now employed by the University of Maryland. (two of these people were native Michiganders and one was from Maryland)
-Wayne just bought a motorcycle and has agreed to pop my motorcycle cherry!
-I hate it when people don't reply to e-mails, although I can be accused of doing the same myself.
-The things that I find most annoying in other people are usually the traits that I hate about myself.
-It is amazing how much snot/mucus the human body can produce. I really hope it burns calories producing it!
-My Human Sexuality class with Dr. Friar is possibly going to be one of the best things I've ever done. He's already given me SO much to think about.
-Possibilities can be AWFULLY painful.
-If I ever hear "I like you, but I don't want to hurt you" or "I like you, but I'd only hurt you" one more time, I can not be held responsible for my actions.
-I can't wait to go to Chicago to see Beth J!
-I am selling my piccolo. Yes, I will be parting with that chapter in my life. Am I sad? Not really. I'm getting between $150-200 for that POS.
-I got to play "You Can Call Me Al" at the football game last Saturday.
-Even in just body paint and boxers, Karl is still very tall (inside joke)
-I broke 100 on my "Friends list" on Facebook. I don't know if I know too many people, or I'm just not picky. J/K I love you all!
-I wish, more than anything, to have Yakko call me and tell me that "the boys" are done at the UREC and, after they shower, they would like it if I could join them for dinner...also, they need me to think up entertainment for the evening.--The phone call would be a life-line right now.

Well, that's just some of what's churning up in the old noggin.

I hope that you are all well and I'm really, REALLY going to try and get back into my old LiveJournal-groove!
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