Of pretty dresses and assasinations

Jun 12, 2005 13:15

Yesterday I bought a pretty dress for a wedding. I just wanted to say that because I didn't think I'd ever buy a dress of that type again after prom. It was cheep too-- and green. Jyes!

Happiness is bursting like an inner light from somwhere near my still- intact apendix. The reason? I have a friend! Oh, gut- loving joy... I have a friend! And it is my lj idol, Kirky. I could not have hoped for a better first friend. Muchos gracias, Kirky.

I played Halo2 with my soon-to-be-clan for like three hours last night. It was wonderful. I leveled up on team slayer! (Which is pretty fortunate since we lost most of the time and leveled down three times.) There was this one match on lockout where the enemy threw a sticky bomb on me, so-- in the five or so seconds before I exploded-- I ran towards the feind and his teammate and when I exploded... so did they. Jyes! Double kill!!!

I've been sick for over a week now and the medicine seems to be helping only a little. On the one hand, I can speak clearly and my brain is not boiling in my own blood; on the other, I am still congested and I still have a bothersome cough. Not to mention, the antibiotic or the cough suppressent-- I don't know which-- is keeping me from sleeping. Last night I was at Jesse's and I was so tired, but unable to drift off. When I came home I sought comfort in my unmade bed, but I lay there for what could possibly have been hours (I can't read the giant display clock without my glasses). This stinks. I shall destroy them both... no... then I will have no treatment for this virus/ bacterial infection, (the doctor diagnosed me with a combination of strep (sp?) throat, an ear infection in the left one, and an upper respitory infection. How does one contract all of these sicknesses in June!?) Argh.

Well, here's to a lovely Sunday. Must wash my car and do my homework. Summer school stinks, even if it is only one class.
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