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there's a lot going on right now
i'm not quite sure what to make of it all,
but i guess i should still wait for a few more decisions before i have to make my own.
maybe i wont have to worry about any of this at all
half of me is tempted by the downtown condo to stay here, but that is such a safe move when I know i really want to get out and explore on my own. I wouldn't feel truly free with the fear of running into my parents downtown.
L.A. would be alot better but New York would be super awesome
if only i could convince my mother of that.
Being in high school now seems completely obsolete, after sxsw and getting a taste for how it is in the real world. Freedom is so near i can feel it, but at the same time i'll miss having my family around all the time
i'm at a point of indecision and insecurity
and i hope you the best with your own