May 20, 2006 23:48
Okay world been away for a while nothing much to report but that katty once told me figs will take over the world.... she also told me not to tell them that she told me so Figs you don't know that.
Move work change and trying to make ends meet all the good parts of life working for me. All that i know for sure is that I have hit my goal weight of 125 and a little + and doing ok with it.. burning/ I mean selling my old sick clothes and getting to move on From A lot of old childish shit.
Have done some soul searching in my little break from this world and know now that ALL my past relationships had some part of dysfunction because I knew I could live in that stay sick in that and not have to get out of that sickness comfort zone. Moving on to better things and trying to make it all make sense to me now... Waste of my past... All of it, and all of them.
Oh well nuff said on all that Trying to make sure that the other shoe doesn't fall this time and this time I am using super glue. Duck tape doesn't fix all your problems... just most of them. SO when all else fails seek thy Holy Super glue.
If you can make sense of all this good for you if not...don't feel bad neither can I.
Night all and remember this: Figs may one day take over but they are nothing to fight against the awesome power of the penguin.