Sep 11, 2004 21:54
I have a new penguin now. it's better than the panda but the panda is still good. I've done to much laundry today. plus i cleaned the litter box and the rat cage and the human cage. it was hot today so i had to break done and turn on the air. I'm so bored the only thing good on the idiot box is the phantom which is now over so i need do find something else to partially entertain me. I'm bored. aaahhhhh. my kid had his two month check up on friday which sucked ass. the doctor lady didn't like the fact that we do what our parents did and let the kid sleep on their belly. she was all sids sids and I was all like your a sids stupid bitch. my boy had to get three shots which he had just fallen asleep before the nurse came in so he got pissed off quick like. rule one don't ever wake up a sleeping baby. rule two if your stabbing my kid get it done and over with don't do one and talk to us for five mintues do another talk to us some more and take your sweet ass time to do the last one cause you'll lose an arm if mama bear isn't around to stop papa bear. stupid doctor lady with the sids bullshit.