Stupid TV.

Mar 04, 2010 13:54

Joshy and I finally made it through all of the DVD series that we own, that both of us found interest in (Buffty the Vampire Slayer, Angel, SG-1, SG-Atlantis, Invader ZIM, Southpark, Family Guy) a few months ago.  Since there's nothing interesting on TV during the times that we watch (thank god for a DVR, but they seem to have stopped running House marathons.), we needed to find something new.  He suggested the Shield, to which I declared cop shows are a-stupid (and then I woke up to the last half of the last episode of season 1 and changed my mind.) and that we should find something that neither of us had seen.
On a trip to Best Buy to find something-or-another for someone's Christmas/Birthday gift, I bounded over to the DVD section to browse.  A pretty box popped out at me, by the name of Carnival: Season 1.  I thought it looked interesting, as did Joshy.  So. A few weeks later, when we finally had money, we went to Hastings and rented the first two disks (4 episodes).  They passed inspection beautifully, so when we took them back we bought the first season.
When we get money, we shall have the second, and sadly, last season.
I discovered today that HBO's a bunch of stupid heads and canceled it before they started the 3rd season.  It was supposed to run for 6 seasons.  Which means, if the second one ends like the first one did, I may have to snap and kill someone.
From the looks of the interwebs, though, people are starting to get into it now, and are petitioning to get it back.
Hopefully they'll suceed.  It's a beautimous series.
Joshy's going to flip when I tell him I picked a canceled series for us to watch. XD
I've told him that I'd buy him the SG-1 collectors thingie, though, so that should buy me some immunity.

Work's interesting... Since I work front end, I'm pretty much just a waitress.  Only I don't have to rely on people's generosity to give me money.  I'm still trying to decide if that's good or bad.
At $7.25 an hour, I sort of think I'd do better working for half that and getting tips.  But whatever.
I work from 5-8 tonight...  I think I'll be lucky for my check to clear $70 (get paid the 17th, then every other week after that.).

Car insurance is due this month.  $249.50 for three months. It and the cable bill should be paid next week.  That'll take care of the $300 put aside for bills for that week.... Actually, that'll take care of $63.12 more than we normally sit aside for bills...  Cell phone's $156.75. *does math*  Water SHOULD'T be more than $143.25.  If it is, something's horribly wrong.  It should be less than $80 (I think it's normally $40-$50, actually, but I've never had to pay that one.)...  That leaves $63.25 for electric, which is normally $100 something....
Car insurance fucked us in the ass. XD
Need to tell him that we need to sit aside $350 each week this month.  Or to withdraw $100 for us and leave the $360-something for bills.  *twitches*  I get paid the same week rent's due, so that'll help a tinsy bit.
I sense soup and sandwiches and cereal in our lunch-futures for this entire month.
Financial issues blow.

Joe (Josh's boss) said that he was putting in for Josh to be assistant night manager, which means for the days that Steven's off, Josh will get manager pay.  Which should bring his weekly checks really close to $500.  Which will be fucking awesome.

They seem to have changed the formula in my deoderant.  Which sucks because it took me 2 years to find the perfect one (Secret clear gel, if anyone cares.).  Now, instead of putting it on once and being fine, regarless of how much effort I put in my day, I have to put it on 3 or 4 times, regardless of how little effort I put in my day.  Fortunately, I'm almost out and the backup stick (Is it really a stick of DO when it's in gel form?) I bought is a different brand.  Hopefully I'll get lucky and it'll be awesome.  Then I'll have to remember what kind it is.

My throat's been killing me for the past week, and this morning I discovered a white bump that looked a lot like a pimple on that squishy part in the roof of my mouth, like dead center of the right side.  I should probably go to the doctor and get it prodded at.  But that would involve getting prodded at.  And money that we don't have.  So I'm going to let it fester and probably wait until the roof of my mouth falls off before I go to the doctor. Or it bursts and I drown in pimple goo.

Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison is pretty good.  I wish it had been longer, though.  I finished it in two days (mostly due to the fact that I ran out of DVR House to watch.). 
I'm now reading The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch.  I'm on page 60 (would be farther, but Babbit and Lemmywinks think that Mommy needs help when she's staring at  thick piles of paper glued together on one side), and have yet to form an opinion one way or another.  It's keeping me reading, which is good, but it keeps switching from "present"  to the past, which is irritating.  Especially since some of the flashbacks can be grouped together so they don't interrupt the present parts quite as much. OR! The chapter I'm on now, the flashbacks could have been put in the BEGINNING OF THE DAMNED CHAPTER, because they're all stuff that happened earlier in the day.  That led to them being in the ally.  Where they were at the first, 3rd, and other odd-numbered subchapters through this chapter so far.  I can get it if it's stuff that happened years back that affects a character's choice or something (Like in the beginning when the Theifmaster was telling the Blind Priest why he had to get rid of Locke.), but not stuff that there's no reason it shouldn't be in chronological order.

My African Dwarf frogs are still alive.  One's tripled in size, while the other has stayed the same.  They're both eating, though, so it's not because the big one's bullying him out of food (I actually think the small one eats more).  I also have bloodworms in my freezer because of them.  Which is weird....  I keep them beside my leftover birthday booze, so they won't contaminate the stuff we'll actually use.

I've taken up writing again.  My last few attempts, however, have been utter crap and I've had to scratch them out.  I think I'm going to have to break down and reread what I already had written, even though I hate doing that.

For now, though, I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for work, then go do that thing where I figure up exactly how much money we don't have.

work, books, life, pets

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