Roses are red, violets are blue. If I'm schizophrinic, then I am too.

May 25, 2009 09:05

Work blew today...  Cut myself in three different places, none of which I know how I did. Just looked down and there was blood. Two of the three I wasn't even messing with anything sharp at the time.  The third I'm pretty sure I cut reaching under the table again.  Ripped my left thumbnail off. To the quick.  It bled a little bit, then just fucking hurt the last three hours of my shift.
Josh and Deb were off last night, Scott's on vacation.  John had a huge ass truck, so I only got to talk to him briefly.  Got to listen to Mitch bitch about Mike, which WOULD have been fun, but his rants are dull and uninventive.
Russel, a normally day-shift guy who's working nights this week in Scott's place, is annoying as hell.  I'm NOT looking forward to working side-by-side with him for three days.

One more shift, then I finally get a day off.  I barely even want to go to the movies... Just want to lay down and pass out until it's time for me to go to work Wednesday night.  Hopefully I'll feel better after I pick Joshy up tomorrow.

Tomorrow's plan... Come home, shower, get Josh, come back home, double check showtimes, set alarm, pass out in his lap, get up, go to movies, come home, cook (or something...), snuggle, watch Invader Zim, pass out while watching ZIM!.


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