Sep 04, 2021 10:23
Senate of Pennsylvania
Expense Report
Month Ended 07/31/2021
Member: Jacob D. Corman, III District #: 34
Voucher #
Expense Payee Voucher Total Amount Incur Date
211870133 Tulpehocken Spring Water Voucher Total: 19.50
Consumable supplies - Spring water for the Lewistown District Office - Applies to Corman, 19.50 06/30/2021
Jacob D. III
211870158 Hetrick, Barbara M. Voucher Total: 125.00
District maintenance services - 06/01/2021-06/30/2021, Office cleaning for the Lewistown 125.00 06/30/2021
District Office - Applies to Corman, Jacob D. III
211880076 WEX Bank Voucher Total: 235.32
Other transportation expenses - 06/02/2021-06/28/2021 Gas DGS Vehicle# 007-11-3024 - 225.32 06/30/2021
Applies to Corman, Jacob D. III
Other transportation expenses - 06/02/2021 Car Wash DGS Vehicle# 007-11-3024 - Applies to 10.00 06/30/2021
Corman, Jacob D. III
211880127 W.B. Mason Company, Inc. Voucher Total: 7.26
Office supplies - For Harrisburg office - Applies to Corman, Jacob D. III 7.26 06/30/2021
211880146 Penelec Voucher Total: 83.10
Utilities - 05/20/2021-06/17/2021 electric, Lewistown-31 West 3rd Street - Applies to Corman, 83.10 06/29/2021
Jacob D. III
211880164 American Philatelic Research Library Voucher Total: 303.21
Utilities - 05/31/2021-06/30/2021 electric 39.4%, Bellefonte-236 Match Factory Place - Applies 180.84 06/30/2021
to Corman, Jacob D. III
Utilities - 05/17/2021-06/16/2021 gas 39.4%, Bellefonte-236 Match Factory Place - Applies to 10.89 06/30/2021
Corman, Jacob D. III
Utilities - 05/31/2021 water & sewer 61.6%, Bellefonte-236 Match Factory Place - Applies to 71.88 06/30/2021
Corman, Jacob D. III
Office supplies - 4 fluorescent Light bulbs, 6 GE Biax 32 watt light bulbs installed - Applies to 39.60 06/30/2021
Corman, Jacob D. III
211900002 Department of General Services Voucher Total: 628.00
Vehicle lease - 05/01/2021-05/31/2021 DGS Vehicle# 007-11-3024 - Applies to Corman, Jacob 628.00 06/17/2021
211930168 UGI Utilities, Inc. Voucher Total: 28.41
Utilities - 06/03/2021-07/02/2021 gas, Lewistown-31 West Third Street - Applies to Corman, 28.41 07/02/2021
Jacob D. III
211940040 Crystal Springs Voucher Total: 7.95
Other lease - Cooler rental for the Bellefonte District Office - Applies to Corman, Jacob D. III 7.95 07/10/2021
pa general assembly,
pennsylvania senate,
pa senate,