In His Bunk, Don/Charlie, Numb3rs

May 12, 2011 00:14

Title: In His Bunk
Author: penguingal
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Charlie/Ian, Charlie/Billy, Charlie/Colby, Charlie/Penfield, Charlie/David, Charlie/Don
Spoilers: Various parts of all seasons of Numb3rs
Warnings: Incest
A/N: Originally written for mmom; five times Charlie ended up in his bunk alone and one time he didn't. Enjoy!

1. The whole time Charlie was doing his little speech about regression to the mean, he could feel Ian's dark eyes boring into him. He was used to a certain level of intensity coming from the assembled agents, especially when there was a serial killer out there. But this was something different. He was so distracted that he barely paid any attention to what he was writing on the board. When the sniper was finally caught and he was alone in his bed, he convinced himself that it was just an artifact of residual adrenaline and fear (and not the memory of dark eyes, breathless concern, and a rifle that was sure to be warm with the expended round) that had him stroking his cock with an unfamiliar urgency. Charlie muffled the sound of his cry in his pillow when he came.

2. When Charlie arrived, Don and Billy were in the conference room, clearly waiting for him. He would have hurried, but something about the room's atmosphere--the way Billy was looking at Don and the way Don was looking back at him--made him stop instead. Billy looked like he was planning to devour Don whole and Don didn't look like he minded. The thought sent a shiver down Charlie's spine. Later on, alone in a disused men's room with the door locked, Charlie let himself believe it was the look on Billy's face that had sent him over the edge.

3. Charlie would never admit to it, but when he'd first met Colby his assessment had amounted to "pretty boy, not too bright." Colby was definitely pretty, but he was far brighter than he liked to let on. Still, it wasn't Colby's brains he was thinking about late at night, slumped on the couch in the garage. The ideas had run dry in the face of the persistent memory of Colby returning to the office after lunch soaked through his polo shirt and jeans right to the skin. Apparently Colby had been caught in a freak downpour, his clothes clinging to every ripple and dip in his muscular chest. Charlie let his mind conjure a picture of what Colby's body would look like as he peeled the sodden material off. He stroked his cock steadily to the scene playing out in his head and could almost feel the water dripping from Colby's hair when he came.

4. Everything, simply everything about Penfield rubbed Charlie the wrong way. His hair, his stupid smirk, his way of constantly seeming to be just around the corner. And not least of all, the way he looked at Amita. He dreamed of doing so much more than having a "math fight" with him. What he wanted to do was grab Marshall by his stupid shirt and his bony shoulders and slam him into the nearest wall, force him to understand that no matter how hard he tried Charlie would still always be the superior mathematician. Charlie's cock got hard at the thought and he gleefully locked his office door without hesitation. When he was done, he took an absurd amount of pleasure in wiping his hands with the flyer announcing Penfield's lecture on the Eppes Convergence.

5. When Don finally woke up in the hospital, the relief was so profound that Charlie's knees nearly buckled. Help and comfort came from an unexpected source, David's strong arm wrapping around his waist and helping him into a chair. Charlie barely remembered how he got home and into his bed, except that he was sure David's gentle voice in his ear and his warm body pressed against Charlie's had a lot to do with accomplishing both tasks. David who was strong and capable and who had already been through so much with Don out of commission but took the time to take care of him, too. Charlie was tired, but his cock had other plans. He tried to keep David's face and voice and scent in his mind as he stroked, but he had a funny feeling as he came that it was Don's face he was imagining.


1. As much as they had tried to deny it, marriage simply did not suit the brothers Eppes. Don's marriage to Robin ended just a few months after his own marriage to Amita and they found themselves once again living under the same roof. Suddenly his whole world was filled with Don once more. Charlie did his best to keep his mind off his brother, but he was only human. Don coming out of the shower, nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and steam pouring from the bathroom was too much to bear. He disappeared quickly into his bedroom and pulled his straining cock out, not even bothering to push his jeans off his hips as he started stroking. The sound of his door opening made him jump, but it was too late to pretend like he wasn't doing exactly what he was doing. Don just smiled and came in, shutting the door behind him. Charlie stared as Don dropped the towel and then pushed Charlie's hand away. It was all at once too much and not enough, and Charlie blindly fumbled through the haze of pleasure for Don's cock. They were breathing each other's air, foreheads pressed together, as they came. When Don kissed him, open-mouthed and wet, all Charlie could do was drag him over to his bed.
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