actual journal entry for a 'devartist' if one could call their work art.
"Ello, ello what going on?
welllll, i got my braces off! yeah! now i have my retainer but its green so its wicked sweet! The German teacher hates me cuz of my emo/manson-ness w/e he is a loser! Im addicted to Murderdolls and Slipknot now i think its the masks they wear they are wicked [ im gunna order one]
OH i ordered combat boots and platform combat boots eee! I've drawn a bunch of pictures i need to uploaded them bad! i also bought new markers and pencils
, Halloween is coming up, scarying little kids is so much fun. uhhz not much else is going on . . . . I am Jesus"
mind you devart is becoming shite of late and im glad i have a secondary art site to actually care about.
in other news i will not need a pacemaker and my liscence is that much closer to being mine. i have contacts again thank christ. now i just have to get used to looking at myself without glasses again :P freyas stitches are healing lovely and i havent noticed any further lumps.
getting into busy time at tafe. many drawings and a few paintings to be done. as well as wood and metal work.
work is boring as always. other work isnt bad, got to work in the actual nursery for a lil while the other week.
mum n i might do some tuesday night swimming or general excercise to keep my heart in good nick.
i have scratches all over my hands from dead heading roses and pulling weeds out from alans place.
also made 'candy' (or as normal non so weirdos call it brightly coloured childish jewerly). ones cliche and says mine and alans name but the others more creative and says onomatopia on one bit then crush. crush only because i couldnt find any more a's in her box of beads.
thanks for your attention.
enjoy your weeks.