the world that has made us can no longer contain us

Sep 08, 2007 15:00

Regina Spektor at the Royal Festival Hall last night: AMAZING.


sajfhlskdjlg. I mean. I knew she would be amazing, and I'd be amazed and everything will suddenly seem amazing in life because that's just what Regina does to you but. I didn't understand that it would be THIS amazing.

She was just. You guys. I mean. alksjlskjfla.

Alex totally made fun of me the entire night because it probably seemed to others that I was on a lot of e or something. Whenever she started a new song, I jumped about half a meter into the air and clapped wildly and gripped the chair and generally exploded. I don't know if there can ever be another artist who can evoke so much emotion from me. Regina's first piano song was On The Radio and I actually started crying. I am so lame. But when she's singing in the same room as you, when she's saying something magical like

This is how it works
You're young until you're not
You love until you don't
You try until you can't
You laugh until you cry
You cry until you laugh
And everyone must breathe
Until their dying breath

you can't help but be lame. I think I might have forgotten to blink because towards the end of the gig my eyes felt like cheese graters. Oh man.

I wanted to remember the whole set list but right now I just remember that she started with Ain't No Cover and ended with Samson. She did quite a lot of new songs (some of them I already knew thanks to illegal downloading :x) and Human of the Year blew me away. As did One More Time With Feeling. And Poor little Rich boy. And Summer in the City. And. I'll stop now.

I was a bit bummed she didn't do Consequence of Sounds or Oedipus or Loveology. Those were on my most wanted list. But oh well. She could sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and I'd still be still on cloud nine.

Another tiny minus: she didn't do the rambling between songs thing she usually does at gigs. But at one point she stopped to drink a little water and there was this total silence in the hall because everyone was watching her drink her water and she went "Sshhhhh" into the microphone. And then whispered: "If we're really quiet, no-one will know we're here." Ahahaha oh Regina. ♥

I didn't take photos but here are a few I nicked from Regina's Flickr group.

i love her outfit. :x

This is such a perfect shot.

She got two standing ovations. Because Regina is that amazing. This is her doing a cute little curtsy. Who the hell curtsies anymore? I LOVE HER.

hold on
one more time with feeling
try it again, breathing's just a rhythm
say it in your mind
until you know that the words are right
this is why we fight

gig, regina spektor

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