
Jan 21, 2007 22:11

There's a back-story to all of this which involves me explaining that there's a Belgian exchange staying at my house. And how apparently, the Belgians are'nt very organised people. And that I have been going out almost every night this week and that now I really really want to go back my beloved pensioner lifestyle. Oh and that roman catholic girls are wild partay animals. But I won't go into that.

So, today:

- Woke up hungover.
- Forgot that I was meant to go out with the exchange. Again.
- Tried to organise stuff.
- Failed.
- Said 'fuck it' and went out with Alex.
- Felt bad and tried to organise stuff again.
- Failed again!
- Had my purse (with moneys, bankcards, student cards etc) stolen.
- Panicked! >.>
- 'Fuck' was said many times.
- Went home canceled bankcards.
- Decided to get a movie and pizza to make it all better.
- Blockbastards decided that I'm not registered :O AND I AM...and refused to give me my movie. I might have cried by this point.
- Pizza place wouldn't deliver my food.

As Alex said, 'at least you know it has to be better tomorrow'. Tomorrow is Monday. So, no.
Waaaah, too much bad luck for one day. ;____; Actually, it was quite funny. I mean the bits in-between the 'AKDLKSFHL FUCK' parts. *nods* Alex kept quoting Dylan Moran at me, which made me slightly happier.

"I 'ate my paintings! I 'ATE them. And I 'ate your paintings too!"
"..You ate my paintings?"
"No! I HATE them! Why do we have to talk FUCKING English?!"

:D I 'ate life. Someone, give me some love.
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