I was tagged (I was always '"it" during my playground days, but this is much more fun!) by
elsie21 for the 'Six Weird Things' listing. For this game, I'm supposed to list six weird things about myself and then tag six other people. I'm sorry
elsie21 that this is so late, but I've been out of town.
Six Weird Things
1. When I enter a room, I have a nervous habit of counting all of the windows and chairs but I'm not OCD... really
2. I'm really compulsive about time - if I forget my watch for a day or something of the like, I am a wreck. I like knowing what time it is every second of the day. Rooms without clocks are akin to my worst nightmare ever. Also, I am digital all the way - none of those tricky watches without numbers and such *shudder*.
3. I rarely look both ways before I cross the street, even if it is a very busy intersection. When I was learing how to drive, I realised what a pain in the ass it is to look out for spacey pedestrians, but for some reason I never remember to look before I leap. My friends call acurately call me a space case, but there are some instincts that I doubt I will ever gain.
4. I can't stand the smell of asparagus. Even thinking about it gives me the heebie jeebies - yuck!
5. I collect frogs and postcards. I love them, the slimy funky critters. I have a shelf in my room at home and at school dedicated to the wonderful amphibians. Thankfully, my roommate just tells me I'm odd and brushes it off. Whenever I visit any place I always have to buy I frog. For example, I just went to the Capeand I bought myself I nice blue fellow.
6. I have a lot of trouble throwing stuff away. I throw away actual trash like everybody else, but I have a huge collection of junk. At home I have boxes and boxes of stuff from when I was in Elementary school and beyond. My room is a giant mess because I refuse to get rid of old board games, cool rocks and shells,pictures and caricatures drawings, candy, and my piles of books. Pig sty!
Well, that is how I am strange, but there are many many other reasons and I really don't think that it counts that I spelled 'weird' wrong three times while typing this :).
alchemistx><br /> <lj user=alchemistx