The Penguin Lives!

Sep 03, 2006 13:49

The penguin does live on!

I've missed LJ, I truly have. Not to say this means I'm back, but I had to make a post. Several virtual nudges (I love you guys, btw), and RL nudges have hinted at the fact that I'm missed. In truth, I've missed you guys.

Short update, well... as much as possible.

At home, I'm currently without the Internet, and have been for a number of months. The prolonged period without it has in truth, been my own doing of dragging my feet of not having it on. I'm ready for it to be back on, so I'm looking forward to this Thur when it should be back on.

Of course I've always had my phone for email, though I rarely get emails from people, so it's been of for more of general (quick) research as well as my tool for communicating for and during GenCon.

GenCon was an absolute blast! I went as a GM for ShadowRun, and met a great group of people I won't soon forget up there. Much gaming, much socializing (or as the official FanPro schedule for GMs said: "Alcoholic Socialization"), much fun. My ego also got very heavily stroked by the fact that I turned done several offers from girls, but I won't go into that unless prompted for my own safety ;-)

Also, upon downing my first Irish Car Bomb, I taught the group of GMs that I was hanging with how to do it, and was told I did it like a pro. None of them knew it was my first one though, so... yeah... I was quite proud of myself coming back.

The gaming was awesome! I always had a great table, and I became known as either 'Penguin' or 'St. James'. Why St. James? He's a fixer from SR fiction, and I got the pleasure of LARPing him! Not my best British accent ever, but everyone involved had a good time. Pictures to come soon, promise.

Wed is my sister's birthday, and I took her to the zoo yesterday. We had a blast. I also found out that she liked the cute-punk look, but mom and dad would never go for it. It's a great opportunity to try to teach her lessons about life and decency, as well as self-acceptance. Yes, she's growing up fast. She's going to be 12, going on 18.... le sigh.

At work I've gotten promoted, and my manager is ready to hand off a project from the very beginning to me once it's ready to take off. Yes, my very own large project that I get to do Business Requirements gathering on! It's a big step forward for me, and honestly, I'm a bit nervous be given that much power (and contact with customers). It's quite humbling to know that in the world of billions of dollars, I'll have a say in hundreds of millions of it, and few people seem like it's that big of a deal.

This fall/winter is going to be awesome, between concerts, days off, and doing what I enjoy doing: living. I also got an offer to go on a missions trip to Mexico today, which made me excited. See, I've never actually left the country, and yes, it's just Mexico, but it'd also be leaving the country.

It's a step.

Life is just that, a step, followed by another, and another, and a continous series of steps that turn into a journey. This journey, this great adventure, is my life as I best remember it.

Much love and hugs to everyone. You've been missed!
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