Mar 20, 2006 20:22
So this weekend we went up to Dan's parents house. It was a really tough weekend. We tried to help out whatever way we could although there isn't much we can do. It was hard to see Pat becuase he's so weak and helpless. Throwing up all the time and can barely walk a couple feet. Dan had a hard time when we left but we had to leave because Dan had a certification test on Monday at noon that he had to go to. Thankfully he passed so he can get that behind him and focus more on everything else. Unfortunately everything has just gotten worse back at his parents house. Pat had to be brought to the hospital because he started throwing up more and some blood and stuff I guess. We're still waiting on news as to what is going on completely but as far as we know Pat is still in the hospital having some tests done. There is a group of doctors going over his case and they seem to think it's definitely cancer but now they seem to think it's a worse cancer then colon cancer. They think it might be Multiple Miloma (sp?) I don't really know much about it but it has to do with your bones and has a high fatality rate. Pat's mother actually died from that cancer so that possible prognosis seems awful dreary. Apparently in order to be certain they would have to drill into his bone marrow which is very painfull. So in order to avoid that right now becuase of the state he is in they are just ruling out the other cancers. Which I can understand I guess but it seems like they are wasting time. My god his MOTHER died from this so why the hell they don't look into this. Sigh, I hate this waiting... I'm trying to be strong for dan but it's hard because even though they aren't technically my family they are still and I feel like it's my dad. Idk.. Please everyone just keep him in your thoughts and prayers because we can use all the help we can get right now...