Rain Rain Go Away

Jul 08, 2013 12:29

This is the 2nd week of working 6 days a week. It sucks. At least I only have two more weeks and then I get a short holiday and then back to full-time six days for a week and then another week off and then another 6 day stint. The full-day six day stint is going to be the worst, mark my words.
I had the JLPT yesterday. Mika looked up healthy 'brain foods' and cooked me an amazing breakfast and then went all the way to the University with me and stayed until the test room opened up. It was super sweet of her. And then after, she took me out for sushi, okonomiyaki, and ice cream! Yay! It made up for the fact that I think that I bombed the test pretty hard, but it was my first try, so I guess I don't mind failing once. I need to be reading more so that I can get my reading speed up to par. That, or I'll just take a different test, maybe.

It was a super long test. 4 hours with a 35 minute break, and when I was still 8 minutes early to arrive at the room for the listening section, this proctor approached me and told me that the test started soon so I had to hurry. Uhm. I have 8 minutes to climb another flight of stairs and walk ten seconds down the hall. I think I can handle it without your prompting. Like, seriously? And then there was this super awkward long seven minute period of silence when they had said all that had been scripted and then they had to wait before they could technically begin the test, but they didn't tell us they were waiting or anything, they all just stood there silently and we all sat, silently, and I was confused. No starting the test? Just waiting? Uh...okay.

But yeah. The test is over with for now. I'll take it again in December if I've failed. Which I think I probably did. We'll see. I'll be able to look online for the results at the end of August.

I went to a Tanabata party on Saturday night, even though I probably should have studied for my test, but it was kind of fun, except for the part where I had a dehydration headache and felt super sick. I ended up drinking a whole 2 liter bottle of water. Yikes. I need to make sure I'm drinking enough water. I ended up making a new friend, so I hope that I can hang out with more people around here more often. She even lives in Natori, so I don't really have an excuse to not hang out with her, so I hope that we can do something fun together soon! Yay for new friends!

Now the rain is getting harder and I have to get ready for work. I guess I'll be walking today because the rain is so hard. This weather just makes me want to sleep all day. Not to mention the physical exhaustion and mental exhaustion from the last week still hasn't gone away. Oh well, off to work I go. 

tired, social, mika, jlpt, rain, work, ces

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