Birthday Cake~!

Jul 09, 2009 23:52

So today was my coworker Gladys' 21st birthday and so I baked her a really awesome cake. It was two layers of devil's food with vanilla frosting and I put sprinkles on it and dusted peppermint cocoa powder on it, and there was a heart shape in the frosting. It was really cute, and pretty delicious. :D She made cream cheese brownies and they were yummy too. She is going home because it's her 21st birthday and she's going to be with her family.
Speaking of other people at work, I think I'm going to do a run down on everyone in the office.

Gladys is Chinese and is a Japanese major who is going to Nanzan next year. I spend a lot of time telling her Nagoya secrets. I brought in my keitai today to show her, and extolled the virtues of Kanjisonomama for the DS. :D I love Gladys. She's really nice and we alwyas have good conversations.
My boss, Betsey, is nice. I like her a lot, even though I think you have to get to know her. I think she lives alone...(I could be wrong?) and she has horses and birds. I think that says a lot about her personality? XD; She's kind of quiet but will randomly come out with hilarious things to say. XD
Tim, he's a grad student that works above us...ish. His wife just had a baby. I ...think I'm neutral toward him, but he said something kind of offensive today, so his overall rating went down.
There's....Josh? I think his name is. He's another grad student, but he's alright. He sits in the corner and doesn't really talk to us, but I like him alright.
There's Laura, who's a sweetie. She's been gone for the past week and I miss her. She's kind of like...I dunno how to explain her, but she's a personality that I really get along with.
Jessica, I like her...but she's kind of a spoiled brat. And we got into a conversation about the world and society and how I think that it will get better. I think that she thinks that I'm just a priviliged white girl or something. >__> She said something to me on Monday like, "Oh, I didn't know if you REALLY believe that society will get better or if you're just believing that to make yourself feel better." She told me about how all the rich kids she used to go to at the liberal arts college thought like that. I was really upset. I ended up saying, "No, I believe that because I've been through more than you ever have. And deep inside, I'd like to think that it will get better and that other people shouldn't have to go through that. I think that maybe if I got through it, and if life gets better for everyone, then maybe what I went through won't have to be in vain." I was really pissed. She thinks I won't ever understand her because she's African-American...which may be true, but it doesn't stop me from WANTING to understand her life and where she's coming from. Whatever. Other than that, she's nice, and I usually enjoy talking to her.
Crystal-I hate people with this name. She's best friends with Jessica, and she and Jessica and Tim like to talk about Southern things. O.o; Like collard greens, and how we wouldn't understand since we're not Southern. I mean, I bet I'd like them if I ate them, but whatever. I usually put on my music when they all start talking about that stuff. Crystal's also pretty dumb. I'll say something and she'll be like, "Wait, What?" Like when I brought in my Japanese cell phone today, she didn't understand why Japanese phones would be better than American phones. Uhm. Because their technology is years ahead of ours? She didn't understand why....>____> I spend a lot of time calmly explaining things to her in a dumbed-down way. She pisses me off and I reaaaaaalllly don't like her. But that's the thing about me. If I hate your guts, you probably would never know.
Matt is a random tech guy who always comes downstairs to eat our candy and cake. He's okay.
Karina is a grad student from Peru and I like her, but she only comes in once a week. D:
Overall, I like working there. It's really chill and now I feel like I have an inside track with any financial aid issues I have. Like...I hadn't gotten my award letter yet, and Betsey called a few people and I got it straightened out right away. :D It's good to be on 'the inside'. :D I can hook you up. :D

Writing that sort of annoyed me because I thought about how dumb Crystal is. She told Jessica that she's getting a 'Celtic Cross' tattoo, but she pronounced it 'Seltics' like the basketball team and I wanted to laugh when she was talking about her 'Seltic' heiritage. HAHAHAHA.
Other than secretly laughing and being annoyed at Crystal, I spend a lot of time laughing at funny names while going through paperwork. Not everyone enjoys laughing at the funny names, but yeah. XD It keeps me sane.
I want to buy an MP3 player that actually works, but I don't have the money and I don't want an IPOD, but I don't want the player to break like my Zen did. D: Whaaatttt to do?
Uggghhhhhh. I'm so bored. I should just go to bed and that would get rid of my boredom, I guess. *sigh* I need to clean my room. And do my laundry. "Hey Melissa, how did you spend Friday night?" "Doing laundry! Aren't I hip? :D" Not.
Ugh. Bored. Annoyed. Find something to do.

baking, role call, birthday, finaid, work, bored, finaid work, complain, cake

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