A meme stolen from
With so many people from different places on the flist, here is a challenge for everyone who speaks another language besides English. :D Choose a language you know, and do mention the following in a voice post!
1. name
2. life status (in school (high school? college? working? etc)
3. brief future plans (this can be anything from IDK WHAT I WANT TO DO AFTER GRADUATING to I WANT PIE FOR DINNER TOMORROW)
4. short message to the flist (this can literally be anything)
5. say "I love you!"
6. favorite color
7. count to ten
8. favorite/random word (and tell us the meaning in english!)
9. date and time
10. the challenge: tongue twister! this can be english, if it absolutely has to be, but another language is preferable.
11. your favorite fandoms. (
starlightfairy2 put that one in there, since she wanted to make it more interesting.)