
Feb 04, 2009 09:37

Heh. Despite the fact that most of the week I don't have class until 11:15 or 2:30, I've been making myself get up earlyish. I usually don't sleep past 10:30. This is good because I don't want to get into the habit of sleeping until noon on some days and then not being able to other days. Of course, saying this in general makes me sound like a spoiled college student. Heh.
Last night I had my writing class. XD We each got different parts of a story. (For example, one person got introduction, another got building action,) I got the climax of the story, so I had to start writing my story at the climax. XD And.....because I'm a real nerd, I wrote this alternate universe story about a few of my characters. XDDD *geeks all over the place* Of course, I got really caught up in it and was writing it all last night. And the story for class was supposed to be 3-5 double spaced pages, and when I got done writing mine last night, itwasnineteendoublespacedpages. XDDDD So....I can't use it for the assignment, which is kind of lame, but okay, I suppose. It's probably good that I had that little writing roll because I've been stuck for a little while. Of course, I'm also busy writing a Valentine's Day story, too...so most of my efforts have been focused there. But I really should pick up my story and work more on it. Poor neglected Shirokara. ;~; My poor main character won't have anything written about him unless I force myself to write. Poor guy. And I like him...it's just that he's not as interesting as the other characters. XDDD Mostly Lulu and Orphie back story and Black/Laban shaky relationship. XD
Oh! And I should finish the Princess' story, too. XD Goodness, I have a lot of writing I need to do.
Well, the reason I got up earlier than I would have normally is that I wanted to work more on my translation that's due tonight. The only thing I don't like about this class is that the homework takes soooooo long to do. I feel like I've already worked for three hours on it, and I probably have another two of translating. x_x Meh. Oh well. I feel like I'm learning something, so I really don't have any complaints.
I'm going to have to pick up more shifts at work because I have no money. Totally broke. And I have bills to pay, so that's not a winning combination. And books to buy, too. But of course, my supervisor scheduled me on EVERY WEDNESDAY of the month, and Wednesday is the ONLY DAY THAT I CAN'T WORK. >___> I have translation class from 6-9pm. So it figures that she'd put me on that day. Grrr. It's just annoying.
Lately, I've been thinking about a lot of people and hoping that things are going well with them. I feel really far away from people. ;~; I know part of it is my own fault that I'm not being a great friend, but it's easy to fall on the wayside and forget to talk to people. Although I'm not making excuses. I just need to repopen communication. And that's my fault.
Anyway....I should probably get dressed, get some breakfast, and then work on my translation some more.

writing, security, waking up, work, classes

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