Life, it's been okay. XD I've been wicked, wicked busy. And today I have a long to-do list that I'd like to completely do by the end of today. I've been working crazily. I got a second job at the International Programs Office as a peer advisor that helps people start the process to go abroad. I don't think I've ever had a job that I've liked as much as this. Before I accepted the job, I was angry at myself for getting another job because I didn't want to have another semester like 2nd semester sophomore year where I was exhausted and burned out. But I really love my IPO job and I'm glad I'm doing it. It's only seven hours a week, and it's a pretty killer schedule for my Mondays and Wednesdays, but I still like it. :D I told my boss that I really liked it, and she was glad and said, "Yeah, it's really nice. It's like you're helping people achieve their dreams of going abroad." XD; I am dream-fulfiller! :F
Scholastically, I haven't been doing that well. I just haven't been expending a lot of effort to make sure I'm on top of things. I'm going to try harder starting from now on. It's just about trying to get the readings done on time, instead of only before discussion section. And about doing homework sooner than the hour or two before it's due. -__- And I hate my astronomy class, and I think it hates me. I've already skipped it twice. -__-; All last week because of my crazy schedule, I was only getting 5-6 hours of sleep per night, and I decided that I needed a nap last Thursday instead of that class. And then I had a nightmare about Hashimoto sensei, so I suppose it was my comeuppance.
I worked Friday night in Brown last night, and it was the worst night ever. o.o; First of all, the kids were total jerks, and I had to send several back because they didn't have ID's. >_> Everyone KNOWS you need your ID to sign in to the building, why can't people just carry around their wallet, is that so much to ask? And then this creepy girl with huge eyes kept trying to come in with all the people who were smoking, but no one had signed her in, but she kept trying to come in, so I finally got annoyed with her and just like ignored her and let her come in. *shudder* Ew. And then, some girl came in to let her boyfriend go to the bathroom, and she had this big scrape on her right elbow. I asked her if she was cold because it was like 40 degrees outside, and she replied that it was her boyfriend's job to keep her warm. O...kay. And then I asked her if she fell down and she said that her boyfriend pushed her off the bench. O_O I was really worried and then she said, "Oh, we mess around all the time. I told him it hurt and he felt bad and said sorry, but we mess around a lot." And then she showed me her left arm with two bruises on it. "See? We mess around a lot. But when I get hurt, I'm usually asking for it." 0____0 And then her boyfriend was back and it was awkward turtle all over the place. Maslow was the supervisor, so the next time he came, I told him about it, and he had me fill out a confidential witness form, and I was GOING to tell the RA about it so she could talk to the girl, but then two girls came downstairs to the RA. "Someone punched in the mirror in our suite...there's blood EVERYWHERE, it's all over. The whole suite's covered in blood." The RA was like, "Okay, guys, it's going to be okay. You're shaking. Take a deep breath. Tell me what your room number is...." And then she called the police and the paramedics. x.x So there was that. And drunk people. And someone spilled milk in one of the elevators. x.x What a night, right?
Yesterday Liz, Megan and I went shopping for groceries, and then we went out to karaoke. We took the bus and figured out all the schedules and were very proud of ourselves. :D Sadly, the karaoke wasn't that much fun because....yeah, it was Korean karaoke, so there weren't that many Japanese songs, but I still liked it. :D Just, compared to Japan, it sucked a lot. XD But then it was wicked cold when we left, and we went to get on the bus, and it was filled with half-drunk girls from Smith, so the whole bus reeked of perfume and booze. Ew. And we finally got back to UMASS, and were waiting for a bus to get back to the GRC, but suddenly we were surrounded by a group of like, 200 drunk kids, and we decided to just walk back. We stopped at the C-store and Ken was working! <333 I bought some cow-tails and eggs and burritos and Liz and Megan bought some snacks, and then we came home and ate them, and I did my astronomy homework. XD (This was around 11pm, and my homework was due at 11:59) Haha. Then I decided to go to bed because I was tired. XD
My debit card keeps getting declined. 0-0 I don't know what's wrong with it. I have money in the bank, so it should be okay. But it got declined online, and then at the store, and then at a random ATM that I tried to use. ;---; So it's like I have money that I can't touch. It blows. I HAS BILLS TO PAY, DEBIT CARD!! >:0 I wonder if it's working now. I need to put money on my U-card to do laundry! ;-;>____> Nope, not working. GRRR.
Oh well, I guess it's off to the Campus center to add money on my Ucard the manual way. I gots three dollahs, so I guess I'm putting all that on there, and yelling at the bank tomorrow.
Okay, going to get dressed and walk over to the Campus Center.