Sep 15, 2007 23:52
XD So, yuck. Yesterday stunk, but I randomly have a wireless internet connection. However, said connection requires me sitting in the room next to my room, with my shoji doors open, and staring at tatami room? O.o; There's all this crap around, but this is where I get the best wireless connection. Thank you, random non secured wireless network!!! XD I was able to do a lot of random things like check finances and add flight miles to my account thingy. Huzzah.
Today I went on a noble quest to find an ATM that accepted my card, but it seems that the only ATMs in all of Japan that will accept my debit card will be the Post Office ATMs, and they not only close at weird business like times, but will be closed tomorrow on Sunday, and also on Monday, the random Sports Holiday. O.o' So, I have exactly 99 Yen to my name. Whoo. XDDD
Oh well. Besides that, I'm supposed to hang out with Kelley tomorrow, but I'm not going to be able to buy anything. *cough* *win* ^^b
In other news, I got really sick last night after eating KFC, which they just call 'Kentucky' here in Japan. Anyway, long story short, I ending up hanging out with Kelley on Friday night and taking the last bus back at 9:30pm, and when I got back home, my KFC dinner was refridgerated. Kensuke randomly came down stairs and microwaved it for me, and then went back to bed, and I ate nasty rewarmed french fries, and ate the random chicken sandwich even though it was slightly moist. *shudder* Fast forward to an hour later, I am in bed and writhing in stomach pain. I end up throwing up twice, and then not being able to sleep until 1amish. I woke up this morning and my stomach still hurts, in fact, it hurts now, too. The only thing that actually made it feel better was some Hokkaido Vanilla ice cream, which just makes me believe more and more that Hokkaido is made of win.
Despite the fact that I tried two different Chinese medicines and Pepto Bismal, nothing but the ice cream has helped. Meh. It's really, really hot in this room, and I think I'm going to try to go to bed or something, maybe I can update later when I actually have something to say. Haha.
Edit: This icon is made of win and awesome. I love Merry so much! Everytime I look at this picture of sweet Rhino-luvin, I almost die of happiness. Thank you, my friend. <3333