Yes. I'm afraid that my pumpkins, who
kittybum and
ct_sweatervest tenderly named and played with, met their demise today. >.> I'm glad the little buggars are gone. I was sick of looking at the stupidl- out-of-season-pumpkins on my window sill.
Anyway. Today, I decided to clean up and get things ready to leave. I swept my floor, and did three loads of laundry, (and walked up and down four flights of stairs countless times. x.x) But, I had a lot of lame things happen today.
George, when I picked him up, leaked all over my shirt. My first instinct was to put it on my bed. ;-; And then he leaked all over the floor. Lame. Then, I spilled water on myself. Spilled detergent on myself. Dropped Cedric (my cell phone) for the first time since I bought him in January. ;===; I DROPPED HIM ON CONCRETE! ;-; *sniffle* And now his pretty edge is all marred. ;---; He'll always be the beautiful cell phone of my dreams. THEN, when I was clearing off my bed, I realized that the gallon of water I had put on there had leaked, and NOW I have this HUGE wet spot on my bed. ;-; Woe is me.
And stupid Prof. Joan Rivers never replied to my e-mail. *sniff* I don't know what to do.
But yeah, regardless, I'm waking up early to complete all of the errands that I need to attend to. >.> And study for Japanese *cough*
Good thing though, I got the stupid 20 page paper done, and I revised my 8 page paper and handed that in. My 20 page paper actually ended up being 22 pages. *cough* I was dead after that. Honestly. Dead. ;-; I really should have studied tonight instead of rped. I'm dumb. It was wwaaaayy too much fun. *nerd* >.> Well, I guess I can study while I wait for my bed to dry.
Yay, at least I'm going home on Tuesday! *hoorah* XD
Okay, I'm going to go now.
P.S. I decided to name WinAmp Miranda. >.>