"You do something to me that I can't explain..."

Dec 27, 2003 01:54

OK so anyway I woke up from my first dream (if you dont know about that read the entry immediately below this one, it'll give you the lowdown). I woke up from that dream and wasnt really sure what was going on, as far as I knew I had been the victim of a fucked up car accident involving an exploding bunch of buildings and an exploding interstate highway. Now take note that this concerned me a lot less than it should have but that is the nature of being half in reality and half in the dreamscape and not really in the mood to double check on the functional status of ones own neck.
So I did the rational thing and went back to sleep, I figured things would sort themselves out while I rested. More rest can NEVER hurt.
So yeah, I went back to sleep.
Maybe I never woke up, who really knows, who really cares, thats not important at this point.
The dreamscape must have been working in my favour now as although I was still dreaming that I was asleep in my bed.
Ya... dream and reality were running totally parallel at this point... usually happens every so often when my dreams become this insanely vivid.
So I was dreaming that I was in my bed, and I had stopped caring about my broken neck at this point although it was still a concern in the back of my mind I diddnt care. Why diddnt I care? This seems like the sort of thing one ought to care about, even if it is all but a dream. Anyway I diddnt care because my Butterfly was there sleeping next to me. It diddnt occur to me that I would be later dissapointed when I woke up and she wasnt there, because as has allready been well over emphasisesd I was unaware at this point of the status of my conciousness. All I knew was that it seemed that she was laying there next to me and I wasnt going to jinx it by thinking about it too hard. So I did the thing that came naturally and snuggled up to her and went to sleep.
And then I had a dream.
It started out that I woke up.
Ann woke up too.
We woke up and went out into the living room to eat some breakfast. Then everything kinda faded out and suddonly Jess was over and her and Ann and I were going to go out for lunch.
I recall an abstract collage of imagery indicating we were driving around Madison.
Suddonly the collage ended and we were all walking down some street serving as a generic sort of downtown anywhere USA.
It was snowing and so Jess was leading the way and Ann and I were walking down the street with our arms around eachothers waist.
A bus drove down the street and blew a cloud of snow our way. I blinked. Suddonly I was riding a bicycle down the sidewalk and stopped in front of a restaurant. I got off the bike and chained it up to a no parking sign that was located between a newspaper box and a manhole cover.
I walked inside the restaurant to meet my Butterfly and Jess for lunch.
I blinked.
I turned around and noticed someone trying to steel my bike.
Someone had cut the chain and was trying to walk the bike down the sidewalk as if they had just been slick about the whole ordeal.
They had left the seat laying on the ground though for some reason so I picked it up and ran after them.
I got as close to them as I could and tried to throw the seat at them in a vain attempt to stun them so I could get my bike back.
Naturally I missed.
I sighed and realised that this wasnt the end of the world and I might as well at least enjoy my lunch. Or had I allready eaten lunch? I wasnt particularly sure but it diddnt matter to me at this point. I was going back to the restaurant to find Ann and Jess anyway.
As I was walking back I saw Jess driving down the street in her car and I waved and took note that now I only had Ann to meet back at the restaurant.
As I was walking back I passed the manhole next to the street sign where I had tied up my bike earlier.
I heard a voice trying to talk to me through the manhole.
I bent down and asked them what they wanted.
They said they had my bike, that the theif had stashed it down there in the manhole and that I could come down there and retrieve it.
I was confused but it made sense at the time so I pried off the cover and climbed down.
Climbing down the ladder I reached the first level.
It was a concrete slab with a makeshift bed in the corner and a pile of old childrens toys in the other corner. There was a young man of indeterminate age, but old enough to have a scraggly 5:00 shadow, sitting in the corner. I looked around and diddnt see my bike so I asked him where it was and what had happened. He said that he had just gotten here as the theif was leaving so he diddnt know what happened but that my bike was on the second level... one ladder down.
So I followed him down to the second level, a similar concrete slab with my bike sitting on it and little else. I looked down and saw the sewer... but all the visual detail was in the dingy concrete slab and the walls and ceiling and man and bike and ladder and so the rest of the sewer was rather mentally blurred and I couldnt really tell what was going on below me. Nor did I really care.
He helped me carry my bike up to street level and wished me a happy afternoon.
I went in the restaurant to look for Ann but she had allready left. This made me sad but since I had no idea how long I had been gone it diddnt really suprise me. So I walked my bike down the sidewalk to retreive the seat (rendering the bike ridable again) trying to think how I would explain this situation to her and appologise for dissapearing as I did.
Then I slipped on the sidewalk and realised my neck was still broken from the car accident in the earlier dream.
I laid there in the snow for a few seconds realising that this had been the strangest day ever... then I woke up.
I was laying in my bed wearing a neck brace and wondering still what day it was and how long I had been laying here with a broken neck and where Ann was... wondering if she even knew I had broken my neck.
Then I woke up.
I laid in bed for a few minutes trying to process whether or not I could actually trust that I was awake or not.
My neck appeared fine so I figured that was a good start.
I was thirsty anyway and so I decided to risk getting out of my bed and starting my day.
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