simply nostalgic..

Jul 03, 2010 01:46

I have been in Friendster a while ago, just scanning the testimonials of my friends, five years ago.
Whew, just thinking about them, makes me feel older. I miss the experiences that we had and I just realized that MANY things have changed.
The way we treat each other changes as time goes by, there are those who are so nice in earlier testimonials but as time progresses would just gradually change.
I miss these kinds of friends. I miss the way we were before. Experiences changed them, changed me as well.
I have seen how we started as friends in first year, then we leveled up in second year, still, cherishing the memories that we shared in our first year days, then some would say, "Yudi, 3rd year nta. tani classmates man ta gyapon."..
I could only say that Time changes a person. And reading those posts made me realize that who I am then was really different than who I am now. Because then, I was in the darkness. I realized that I wasn't able to really appreciate those people who cherished me as their friend. Sad as it may seem, I was proud then. I only thought about how I would appeal to people. Them telling me that they missed me were just taken for granted because I only thought about how they would feel about my absence.
In short, I only thought about me, how would I appeal to them, how would I interact with them. In the end I realized that I was not able to share a part of me with them. I real part of me. I was not able to invest my life in theirs, and that makes the big difference. If only I cherished their presence in my life, if only I appreciated them as well. A skin was presented to them, not the meat.
Sorry, I say this to those whom I took for granted, and to myself as well, for not being true.

PAST IS PAST. And I am a new creation now, it's Jesus that makes me whole. And with Him, who I am them is the exact opposite. I am willing to invest my life. Doing hard things makes my life worthwhile.

God bless!
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