So, since babies, tents and winter do not make a particularly good combination, Mighty has been persuaded to leave his lovely tent and instead into an actual house. This is 71 Leafeon Lane, originally bright yellow and surrounded by ruins, but now cheaper.
Naturally, the very first thing for my lovely, sweet couple to do was to break in the bed.
Is it nice? To have an actual bed, I mean. With springs, lovely boingy springs. That you are probably quite likely to end up breaking in your attempts to spawn more children.
Babyhood, since it's probably the most boring life stage, zoomed by quite quickly and Ribbon became a toddler.
While, of course, the pregnancy went ahead.
Rather disasterously, might I add? I mean, Andrea's a bit loopy, so she ended up taking her grilled cheese sandwich outside to eat standing up, before passing out (not even taking a bite) and dreaming about blowtorches.
ANdrea... what's wrong with eating your food in your actual house? You could have taken at least a bite and not risked starvation in the time it took you to get out the front door and around the back.
Mighty has ended up responsible for Ribbon's wellbeing and teaching, but it seems Ribbon just doesn't want to learn a nursery rhyme at all.
He tries his best to be all upbeat and happy and enthusiastic about it...
...but Ribbon would much rather look the other way.
And he certainly doesn't look very happy. How dare Mighty try to make him sing such a cheerful song? For crying out loud, he hasn't even learned to talk yet, singing is out of the question.
Also, they're in the way. Move, please, Andrea has a baby to birth.
Oh, it looks painful, but I'm pretty sure that at least she's glad that this time she's not giving birth in knee-high snow.
So, here's a baby! Her name is Gherkin.
And here's another baby! His name is Relentless. Because I scanned my bedroom for a name and the closest thing to my face was an empty can of Relentless. I am sure that he will grow to appreciate being named after the student's saviour that is a heavily caffienated drink.
Just as I am sure Gherkin will appreciate being named for a pickled baby cucumber.
Since Ribbon is stubborn and refusing to learn his baby skills, Mighty's brought out the Smart Milk for some assistance.
On another note, I think the only aspiration rewards I ever really use are the Elixir and the Smart Milk. Mostly the Smart Milk. I'm thinking that's a bit sad, really - I love the weird. Surely I should use more aspiration rewards, like the Energiser, Love Tub, the money forgery machine thing...
Ribbon grew up (platinum) and I'm sure you can tell from his face that he is an extremely energetic individual. *cough*
Also, Andrea is a General now! I'm sure that the hair and makeup do not follow military regulations or whatever, but as far as I know she's in charge now and is the only person who would really care.
It didn't take Ribbon very long to get cleaning. He is, after all, a 10 neat point Sim. ...Andrea and Mighty both have 2 and the house is a tip. He's going to be a very busy little boy.
Still, I suppose he's pretty cute.
As the sim-years passed, so the babies grew to toddlers and, naturally, continued to be smelly and horrible and need to have their nappies changed. Behold! Gherkin! She's relatively adorable.
Andrea's really struggling to keep up with the things she finds fun, these days, and as much as she loves him, Mighty is not really one for stimulating, intellectual conversation. You get better from a ball. A ball with a teacher's hat.
Again, Mighty is the toddler caretaker in the house, and Andrea continues to be the military money-bringer. Not for long, though, soon she shall pursue her dream! A dream to become... a gamer!
You may be wondering where my pictures of Relentless are. Sad fact of the matter is, Gherkin was cuter. So I took pictures of her, but my pics of toddler Relentless are further down the list.
Raising twins is hard on my poor Mighty, of course. He looks so tired, bless him.
He's taken up painting in his free time, however. While he paints, Andrea is, apparently, moved to tears. I'm not entirely sure what he's actually painting. It's probably that low-skill neon pink thing.
Ribbon, meanwhile, is a very successful child. An A+? Oh yes, this is worth the dramatic pose! A+
And he's been happily making friends, like blonde dreadlocks girl here, whose name I forget.
Oh, and here's a picture of Relentless. I told you I had one!
Mighty and Andrea's relationship has been boosted up to three-bolt chemistry now that Mighty has become better at cooking, so they've been very happily ACRing it up at every other opportunity. This is actually a problem, though, as they've dropped feeding the toddler in favour of the sex. I got threatened with the social worker, yes I did.
Still, there wasn't much toddlerhood left to go, and the twins' birthday arrived. First up was Relentless, and this time it's Gherkin I neglected to get a picture of at first.
I'm not entirely sure what Andrea is so disgusted by, to be honest, but her expression amused me so...
Mind you, there's not a lot in the house to not be disgusted by. Andrea and Mighty both have two neat points, as previously mentioned. Gherkin and Relentless also only have two neat points each. I feel relatively sorry for poor Ribbon...
...though I have to say, it was so damn weird to see that bathroom clean for once.
Oh, here's the back of Gherkin's head! She made friends with this boy rather easily.
Relentless, meanwhile, has plans.
The presence of his sister only momentarily deters him from his mission.
You see, Relentless is a misinformed supporter of paysites.
It is his mission to eliminate the pirates!
Denial of service attack. Forum trolling a go-go!
Do not worry, however, he is only a child. He does not truly understand yet. One day, he shall grow out of his anti-pirate ways.
And voila, a relatively close-up picture of Gherkin has appeared. She is probably the cutest of the children right now, in my opinion., Mighty. Fail.
Somewhere along the lines, Ribbon grew into a teenager. A teenager with flu.
He became a Pleasure Sim, lifetime want to be a celebrity chef, which fits in well with his natural talent for the cuisine hobby, and aided by his 10 cooking points.
Meanwhile, however, ACRing it up has brought severe consequences upon Andrea, although Mighty has been rather craving more children for quite some time because he is a rabid family Sim and we all know what they are like.
Also, she has the flu as well. Pregnancy and the flu. Excellent combination, that one!
It's hit everyone in the house, in fact, that flu has. Mighty's sleep pattern's been rather heavily disrupted by a combination of needing the toilet every five seconds and his wife insisting on playing computer games in his bedroom with the volume up.
Andrea's raver kimono still looks awfully silly as maternity wear, and it would appear that she is fully aware of this. It does look, however, rather comfortable, though I wouldn't recommend going out in public with how easy it'd be to peek up it.
Ribbon got himself a job in his career track of choice, though because the Sims is all about age discrimination he's not going to ge very far for quite some time.
Lately, Mighty has taken to worrying himself silly, and to be honest I do not blame him. After all, the flu has invaded the house, his wife is heavily pregnant, and his son simply isn't doing very well at school.
Ribbon with his nice points likes to come in and check on Gherkin, which is just adorable.
And the two do rather get along. In fact, all the kids have good relationships with eachother.
Relentless, however, is really, really not doing very well. In fact, he's one of the worst students in the school.
I'm sure he's cursing the teacher who gave him that F. But it's really his own fault, he'd always drop out of doing homework for no good reason. Still, at least the Social Worker has not made an appearance.
Because you know what that Social Worker's like. One child does poorly while the others do fantastic? She'd take this baby as well.
The baby I didn't take a picture of because I am the suck. It's a boy. His name is Biscuit.
It is also birthday day, and Gherkin has a cake.
As she blows out the candles, she wonders why nobody's there to see her. Poor dear, that's hardly a birthday at all - you may have cake, but what good is it if nobody says happy birthday?
WHOA growth spurt. The sudden increase of height appears to have made young Gherkin somewhat dizzy.
She has grown into a lovely Knowledge Sim with a grand ambition. become a criminal mastermind. A criminal mastermind who loves nature.
Relentless had no cake. He's also not an especially happy young Sim. It's his own bloody fault. But at least people were there to wish him a happy birthday, even if he did grow up badly.
Family Sim, LTW to have a long lasting marriage and reach his golden anniversary. His hobby of choice is nature.
MIghty's not so ready to become an old man just now, so he's been drinking delicious green juice.
And finally, a picture of Ribbon refusing to play with other people. I'm not entirely sure why. It could be that he thinks these people are covered in germs and dares not touch them, which leads to the question of why he's in fast food.
Also, I am very amused by the fact the clean freak has zits. LOL.
I have far too many screencaps to sort through for gen 2 D: I have about... 140ish so far? I've picked my heir already, and it's not long before gen 3 will come rolling in, but... the hardest part of doing a legacy family, in my opinion, is the update posts!
Well... it's not hard as such. Mostly just... tedious. And now I gotta work on 2.2's post ^^;
In the meanwhile, here's a picture of Andrea.