Pyramids Press and Gold'n Lily Press are teaming up to present The Science of Deduction, an anthology of gen stories based on Sherlock, BBC’s modern day re-imagining of Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic tales. Our central theme is the strong bonds of friendship and family between the Sherlock characters, especially John and Sherlock.
The Science of Deduction features 13 stories (230 pages) from some of the fandom's finest authors. The zine is professionally printed, perfect-bound (trade paperback), 6" x 9", with beautiful full-color cover art by
myfieldnotes. Though we worked to get the look of the zine as close as possible to something you'd buy at a bookstore, it is a nonprofit, labor of love produced by fans, for fans. Like all Pyramids Press and Gold'n Lily Press zines, the stories are new (have not been previously published or appeared on the ‘net), gen (no slash or ship), and there are no deathfics. Ratings are G-R.
The Science of Deduction
The Kindest Word by Gillian Taylor and
wendymrBetwixt and Between by Ivy Tyson
Child’s Play by
bendingsignpostGreen Grow the Rushes, O by A.J.Hall
Specific Performance by
Rae666Pawns to Checkmate by
brate7Shadow of the Falls by Jennifer Rickard [
Nine Hours by
MessageredactedGate Control Theory by
dakfinvThe Midnight Oil by Yum@ [
The Solitary Motorcyclist by AND
Nursery Rules by
myfieldnotesWhen the Light Shines Through by
brate7 Teaser from "Gate Control Theory"Teaser from "The Kindest Word"The cost of the zine is $20. The Science of Deduction may be pre-ordered for pick-up at MediaWest*Con by emailing Yum@ at pyramidspress[at]gmail[dot]com. Please place MediaWest pre-orders by midnight EDT, May 23.
If you’re not attending MediaWest, you may order a copy at the
Pyramids Press website to be mailed to you. Shipping charges vary based on your location and method of shipping.
If you have any questions, please email Yum@ at pyramidspress[at]gmail[dot]com