Ack! No! That was not what I was going for! Squee away!
1) Sam's hair--so much better. Light years. Remember the bad old days of S2 (I think I've traumatically repressed scenes from Everyone Loves a Clown)? So. Much. Better.
2) Dude, hugs! This was the all-hugs, all the time episode. I'm going to be coming back, again and again, to revisit the awesome. Bless you, Kripke, for realizing that we all needed that. Dude, if you can't hug after your brother returns from the dead, when can you?
3) Bobby. Bless. Seriously, they just make him more and more wonderful. He's really starting to become the person John Winchester was too broken to be, and he's filling up all sort of places I used to see only in fanfic. It's marvelous to finally get that comfort in Show.
4) Did I mention Sam's hair? Also, arms. Rewind The Hug and play it again. Woah. Jared's spent the hiatus working out again, but he managed to avoid the crazy big neck/overbuilt thing from the start of S2. I want to write a letter of thanks to his trainer.
5) Word to the writers. This premiere was so tight, and delivered on every point they need to. It's In My Time of Dying-level good.
1) Sam's hair--so much better. Light years. Remember the bad old days of S2 (I think I've traumatically repressed scenes from Everyone Loves a Clown)? So. Much. Better.
2) Dude, hugs! This was the all-hugs, all the time episode. I'm going to be coming back, again and again, to revisit the awesome. Bless you, Kripke, for realizing that we all needed that. Dude, if you can't hug after your brother returns from the dead, when can you?
3) Bobby. Bless. Seriously, they just make him more and more wonderful. He's really starting to become the person John Winchester was too broken to be, and he's filling up all sort of places I used to see only in fanfic. It's marvelous to finally get that comfort in Show.
4) Did I mention Sam's hair? Also, arms. Rewind The Hug and play it again. Woah. Jared's spent the hiatus working out again, but he managed to avoid the crazy big neck/overbuilt thing from the start of S2. I want to write a letter of thanks to his trainer.
5) Word to the writers. This premiere was so tight, and delivered on every point they need to. It's In My Time of Dying-level good.
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