I love thinking about the mechanics of the Hunger Games universe. Even before I was making up stories in my head about my favorite characters, I was intrigued by the puzzle of how this post-apocalyptic society functions. I've devoured all the metas I can find, and my reading preferences tend strongly toward the elaborate world-builders of the
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I like the rust-belt Chicago-Detroit corridor as the core of D6 for historical and emotional reasons, but yours makes actually more sense in some ways. HMMMMMMMM. I borrowed (ripped off) the idea that 6 mines iron from deathmallow and there's been iron mining in northern MN, WI, and the MI upper peninsula so I pretend it all makes sense. But it's not actually central for trains with how Panem's laid out so :/
I have 9 and 10 both as more N-S belts, with 10 starting not far east of 2 (Texas, OK, Western Kansas and Nebraska, the Dakotas--size depending how much space you think you need). 9 would then be Eastern KS and Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois,WI, parts of MN. This lets you run cattle in the rain shadow of the Rockies where it's dry for row crops and exploit climate gradients in 9 for diversity of crops and harvest/planting times. That would also let you have teams of people move from South-North with big fancy combines at harvest. You could likely do something similar at planting if you had similarly expensive/complex machinery. I talked about this randomly here. Of course massive climate change screws all of this up completely but let's pretend things work at least SOMETHING like they do now.
Other than that, while I've never specifically drawn it out (apparently there is a limit to my nerdiness) the districts are more or less where I'd thought of them. FUN STUFF
I get it--it would be fantastic, from a historical perspective, and have lots of the grey cold that I figure Six has in spades.
I borrowed (ripped off) the idea that 6 mines iron from deathmallow and there's been iron mining in northern MN, WI, and the MI upper peninsula so I pretend it all makes sense.
Oh, I like this idea! This is yet another thing Panem needs a lot of, but there's no hint in canon where they might be getting it from! (Don't even get me started where they find some of the minerals Three needs for technology manufacture)
I have 9 and 10 both as more N-S belts,
I don't know why this didn't occur to me, but I can see some big advantages. For both livestock and crops there are going to be types that do better in cooler or warmer weather. N-S running districts would facilitate that. Your details about running cattle and planting times are pretty persuasive. Now I'm wondering if there's a way I can make both those a little more tall and and little less wide...
I talked about this randomly here.
LOL! You are not kidding about the random. FWIW, I totally concur about Nine having a lower population, and spending the winter in the towns, working processing facilities.
RIGHT? Newly-discovered sources of coltan and other rare earths in Arizona, apparently. Or else someone is flying over to central Africa or someplace, which would be a hell of a logistical challenge.
Which district is responsible for absolutely obsessive recycling of everything?
You are not kidding about the random
My brain is a weird place.
This is a wonderfully creepy idea, I love it. There really is no way to get all the different mined materials Panem would need from just North America. Even if you have garbage-mining and recycling and everything, it's just not feasible.
Man, now I want a story about the pilots of those hovercraft, because WOW that would be a crazy job to have.
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