2006 in Review

Jan 02, 2007 23:29

If you're feeling so inclined. Fill it out yourself and inflict yourself on other people too!


1. Go to a party? Yep! Pea's Pirates of the Carribean 30th. I have to say I make lovely pirately wench.

2. Try something new?  Yes.  Grapefruit & Green Tea was nice. The Christmas work party on a boat was new too.

3. Have someone change your life?  Definitely. Eve & Jasmine for making think that parenting might actually be an option for me.  Damian for being the right man.

4. Kiss someone?  Yes I did. *smirk* and often!

5. Tell your family and friends you love them? No. I don't think it needs to be said.

6. Buy something extravagant?  Kinda, and would you believe it, @#$%ing Amazon lost it.  However I was given something extravagant, next time we catch up, check out my bling!

7. Do something nice for you?  I bought a v nice chinese style tunic.

8. Do something terribly wrong?  Nope. I always check the depth of the water before I jump in.

9. Move?  Uh. Yes.  I am pretty much living with my sweetie now in Banksia Grove

10. Go to a concert? No. But work is a circus...does that count?

Best of the Year:

1. Party:  Pea's Pirate Party.

2. Show:  HouseMD & Ultimate Force

3. CD:  Bridget Jones Diary II soundtrack, Surfacing, Gorillaz.

4. Movie:  48 days Later, Aeon Flux

5. Song:  I don't really have one this year.

6. Experience:  Content lounge time.

7. Concert:  N/A

8. Book:  I don't think I read any this year. I'm shocked! I'm still waiting for The Short History of Nearly Everything to come back from Canberra.

9. Month:  September. Everything was sparkingly fantastic

10. Day:  14 September.

Worst of the Year:

1. Party:  Didn't really have a worst. The shortest attendence was unfortunately D's 30th, and that wasn't about the party that was because Auk wasn't well.

2. Show:  Anything that Koshie the Ambulance Chaser is in.

3. CD. Ladies and Gentlemen the Rasberry this year goes to Scissor Sistors.

4. Movie: There really hasn't been many this year that I've gone and seen.

5. Song:  Anything that is played on commericial radio between 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

6. Experience: Cancerous squamous cell mucosa/Dad's heart attack and Pushking getting killed by a car.

7. Concert:  Didn't go to one....doesn't count.

8. Book:  Nup. Didn't read one this year. I'm still ashamed.

9. Month:  July? I think, that was fairly lacklustre

10. Day:  Friday, 13 October.

Hopes for 2007:

1. Predict something that you think will happen in 2007?

That I will be imersing myself completely in cohabitated bliss.

2. What do you hope changes about your country?

They stop thinking about nuclear power and invest in some decent alternatives to petrol.

3. What do you hope for yourself?

Strength, motivation and peace within myself to enjoy my life.  It worked pretty well last year.

4. What do you hope for your family?

Good health and peace

5. What do you hope for your best friends?

Clarity and motivation

During 2006:

1. Where were you when it began: 
At M&C's house, depressed that there was nothing on.

2. Did you stay up:
Yep. Watched the clock hand tick over, then went home and slept for the family do the next day.

3. What was your new year resolution?

Nup. Nadda. None.

4. How many girlfriends/boyfriends :  1

5. Broke up:  No..definitely not. We have barely gained momentum. Its going to be a hell of a year! :D I'm looking forward to it.

6. Have any crushes? Yup. and I'm still crushing *grin*

7. Care to mention names?  AUK~~! I'm happy to yell it from the rooftops, cept I might get pelted with hard objects from cranky neighbours.

8. New friends:  Yes. Work related.

9. Had to say goodbye:  Yep, to parts of me I didn't think I would.

10. Missed anyone: Nup. My aim is pretty good.

11. Win anything?  Does a pay rise count?

12. Best place you went to:  Bunbury/Dunsborough.

13. Worst place you went to: Surgery recovery at Royal Perth.

14. Happiest moment:  There have been far too many. Sharing Christmas day with Auk and not have him run screaming for the hills.

15. How was your birthday: My 31st was hellishly quiet. I need to remedy that for 2007.

16. Best present: Bling!! and I have an mp3 player and the last 3 season of M*A*S*H

Other events worth noting:

The safe arrival of Megan Rose, Delaney Shae, Zepplin and Hannah Mae.

I hope 2007 brings good things to everyone.

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