Yesterday I cleaned the house. Well I actually only got the top half of the house cleaned and it took me the whole day. There were a few other jobs that needed to doing like washing two loads of clothes and unblocking the sink upstairs (I think it filled up with hairs...) and I scrubbed the tiles in the shower. So it was a very productive cleaning of the house, half of it anyway. My plan for today was to finish off the downstairs; it didn't get done, ah well, tomorrow. Anyway i'm rambling here, there is a point to me mentioning i was cleaning yesterday. I bought new toilet cleaner, it's the nicest smelling toilet cleaner i've ever smelled. It's amazing, so amazing that i totally had to write a post about it. It smells of fruit. And yesterday while i was cleaning the toilet I had the window open and the smell of the cleaner mixing with the fresh air totally reminded me of the first time i went to the alps back in 2003. It smelled of my sunscreen on a glacier. It was fabulous. I love the smell of it so much I went and bought another bottle of it.
For those of you who are interested this is it here, and I bought the pink limited edition one: This morning I went to tralee to buy crickets. I really should never buy crickets after the weekend, they usually have an awful selection and the poor crickets are mostly dead. They get their delivery's on Thursday or Friday so I really should try to get out to tralee on a Friday.
This afternoon I repotted some plants. It was a bit spontaneous really, I just saw a plant that was outgrowing it's pot and was like right i'm moving you right this second. We have loads of new, baby aloe veras again, this time i'm not going to over water them and kill them all. I'll be careful and they will all turn into super healthy adult plants.