Feb 20, 2009 20:59
I just can't find the inspiration to update this anymore although that may change soon as i may have a way of getting an internet connection at home. Yeah...
Life is still wonderfull. Not perfect but life would be boring if it was perfect.
Did I mention that i set up my fish tank again? Well I did, we have two peppered corys and seven male guppies. It's cool though we've had two batches of eggs so far. Since all the guppies are male i figure it's the pepper corys who are scattering eggs all over the glass. It's a good sign that our water is healthy. I feel a little sorry for the eggs though, they don't tend to last all that long. The first batch of 22 only stayed around for a few days. This batch, of 18, has started to float away after a day.
I'm turning into a climbing, a kayaker and a bit of a country girl. I can lead severe most of the time, i'm happy with that. With a little work I hope to improve on that. There has been no rain in the last few weeks so i'm getting much better at kayak surfing. I can actually do stuff now instead of just sitting on the wave not having a clue.
My little house in the country is lovely, it's tends to be a bit of a mess which drives me mad and it inspires laziness. I'm never motivated to do a thing. I think it's just too comfortable and always tired. I don't think i've ever been this tired continously.
outdoor sports,