Halfway Through

Oct 29, 2008 09:28

I've been trying to catch up with everyone's LJ. My parents were here last weekend, and I was barely on the computer at all. But we had a great time--shopping and eating out.

Hubby has been out of town since Saturday (in AZ on business), but he should be home this afternoon, and I'll be glad to see him.

NaNoWriMo is quickly approaching. Our region has a kick-off dinner planned for tomorrow night. I'm actually looking forward to having a bit of Mexican food. Yummy :) I'm also ready to get writing again.

I'm thinking of f-locking my journal completely. I realize there are people who have friended me that I do not know, and I do not know exactly why I've been friended (writing? interesting? who knows?). There are also lots of people that I've friended in the past that was (I think) mainly due to my HP fanfiction writing, which I'm not doing as readily now because of my own personal projects.

I'm just saying this to ask, If you're still interested in being friends, let me know. No hard feelings either way.

This, however, does not include those of you that I know and have been friends with, either in RL or through LJ, for quite some time. Mostly this is for those of you who do not ever comment, who may or may not read, and who wouldn't really notice if you were somehow f-locked from my journal.

Thanks so much, and we're halfway through the week!

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