pimpin' my new blog!

Feb 03, 2010 13:04

Hey, I've got a new blog!!! I've been gradually adding bits and pieces to it before I told anyone about it, but now I think I should just "launch" it. It'll force me to update it regularly.

It's called Pondering Postfeminism and I've set it up as a place where I can elaborate (or summarise) some of the things I researched in my PhD, and where I'll write about stuff to do with feminism, postfeminism, pop culture, politics and the like.

It's still being constructed, so tips on the layout and things I could add in the sidebar (including blogs I should put in the blogroll) are very much welcome. I'm just using a basic wordpress template at the moment - with a photo of my own in the banner, but I might tinker with it eventually.

Please check it out, read, comment, add it to your RSS feeds, let me know what you think, etc. :)

blog, writing, postfeminism

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