Voting for the Legislative AssemblyVoting for the Legislative Council - hmm above or below the line? [ponder]
Candidates for District Marrickville.
Hmm, while I'm pleased that my local candidates have all filled in 'child declaration' forms (noone wants a child killer as their elected representative!) I was kinda hoping for some information about their policies...
[keeps searching]
Info about Legislative Council voting
Legislative Council (Senate) - these are the Groups we can vote for in the upper house. I love some of their titles.
Some of them make themselves easy to dismiss by their names ("Australians against further immigration", for example, or the "Shooters Party"). Others sound rather fun, but silly ("The Fishing Party" or the "Horse Riders Party"). But then there are a few that a rather ambiguous ("Save our Suburbs", or "Outdoor Recreation Party").
Oh goodo, just found some info about each of them:
Happy Voting everyone!