
Jan 30, 2010 12:12

It's not always fun driving long distances in the winter--it's about an hour from my house to the barn--but it is fun when your fiance can come along and take pictures. We were driving down one day and looked over to see the mountains turning a gorgeous reddish hue. Happens during sunset sometimes on sunny days. And then...they turned the color of Aquafresh toothpaste, this amazing Comet-powder-blue. I've never seen that color before. Not sure what it was from--stepdad talked about some special effect from the sun blah blah blah, but turns out it was just the red color he was referring to and I've seen that many times. Doesn't really show up in this picture but my fiance was trying!

Another day my sidekick and I were driving to the barn and she managed to get a decent cell phone pic of this cloud bank. Was totally invading my personal space while driving; note to self, do NOT give cell phone camera to eleven-year-old in car. It *will* entertain her--but she will totally take it literally when you tell her to lean over 'a bit' to make sure she gets the picture. Oy vey.

Driving down the road the barn is on...

Close-up of hoar frost:

Gorgeous new barn;

One of my favorite shots;

Sunset over Camel's Hump, formerly known as "le Couche de Lion' or "the Couching Lion".


This is what Sage does whenever a human shows up. He's learned that a human coming out of this door means dinner time! Mom says it's scared the vistors she's had over the past few months. He's just *right there* and *so friendly*.

I love nighttime pictures, even if I'm not very good at taking them.

The pattern of the winter trees...

Looking past a corner of the barn to the house across the road;

I took this out my car window as I was getting ready to leave. I loved the way the horses were all cozy in the barn with the surrounding darkness of winter.

curlies, sage, pictures

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