Thank you so much for writing for me. I am thrilled about any of these potential stories and hope you are happy with what has landed on you.
Basically my take on yuletide is that the story I will love the most is the one that appeals to you as writer so feel free to ignore or mess with anything I say! I read and am happy with gen, het and slash, all kinds of stories. I am not a huge fan of people cheating on partnerships and would prefer any sexy times outside a canon relationship are somehow agreed within that relationship or some equivalent. I love stories that show kindness to characters whether the story is fluff or angst or a character study.
I am not wedded to anything in particular really ever. I will be so interested in how you explore the characters or canon or whatever world you create or build on.
If you need anything I am happy to answer. You could talk with
furies or
therealjae both of whom know me well - but please don't worry that anything will be a problem.