fandom party, 2.0.

Aug 18, 2011 18:43

I need a break from reality, so I bring you:

the football fic inspiration meme!

Prompt with:
1. A picture, video, quote, lyric, song, poem, etc. and a character/pairing if you choose.
2. An idea you have and would love to see be turned into fic. AUs, crossovers, etc. all allowed.
3. Ideas you've tried to write yourself but never were able to or never finished, etc.
4. Bits of unfinished fic you have lying around if you think you need some help, encouragement, inspiration, etc.
5. Any and everything fic-related, honestly.

Fills can be as long or short as you wish. Multiple fills encouraged! Fill your own prompts! All ratings accepted. Please warn for common triggers.

Again, pretty much anything goes. Slash/Gen/Het all allowed. Remember, the purpose of this is to get fic written. The more, the better! :)

Pimp this out, please, so we can get the most participation possible.

writing, best fandom ever, * public

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