May 07, 2007 13:24
Hello world!
It's been forever since I've updated due to the evil stress machine known as the end of the semester. But that ended last Thursday at 5:50 PM when I finished my night class final. I didn't even stick around to find out my grade.
I'm feeling pretty peaceful about life right now. I know where I'm going this fall; I have a secure roof over my head; I have someone who loves me; I have a philosophy of God and life that I'm comfortable with; I have enough money to get by (for now at least). Mostly importantly, at least for now, I have time.
This morning, I walked to the park and met Dash there after he got off work. Today, I have time to sit and read and write, what a wonderful blessing. I woke up to golden light streaming through my windows (in the most cliche way). I love the way the sunshine makes my home look, all golden and comfortable, like the first cup of tea.
To speak of another subject, there is a black robe airing out on the peg outside my closet door. There is also a funny square topped hat and a golden tassel. This Friday night, I will don these high quality polyester coverings spend five or six hours being compensated for my academic endeavors. Yay!
I've also been given the task of addressing the graduates who decided to show up for the ceremony. I'm supposed to say something inspiring. I don't know if I'll be able to do it, but then again, how will I know until I've tried? I don't know if I'm the best person to speak to everyone. A lot of the time, I don't feel like people can relate to me. I'm not one of the crowd. I'm a loner, but not in that creepy disturbed loner way that people always cite in outbreaks of violence and death. I'm more of a people watcher loner. I think of myself as being able to appreciate the atmosphere of the world and interact at the edges of it. I find it easy to entertain myself and some of my most enjoyable evenings are spent by myself at home, reading, watching a movie, listening to the radio, baking bread, anything like that. It's funny then that my speech is about the importance of people.
Allow me to contradict myself. I don't think any of us can make it on our own. Yes, you hear all about those people who have worked to establish themselves as mogels or superstars. The emphasis lies on the achievements of the individual. Does anyone ask who helped that person get that far? Who worked late with them, who gave them their big break, who said yes to their brilliant idea, who raised them? Have you ever seen the credits on the Lord of the Rings movies? No one can say Peter Jackson created that all on his own. Microsoft wouldn't be such a big business if more than just Bill Gates were willing to work on the company. I've heard performers over and over again thank family members and friends for being great support.
Here's what I think: We are told that we need to change the world, but that idea is too big to be plausible. Not one of us can change the world by ourselves. We can only effect each other. Instead, we should be focusing on how we impact those people around us. That's where the real difference can occur.
Word of the Day: Adamite (noun); a nudist