And just because I got a digital camera for Christmas:
I dearly love Madison. Here's the capitol building over Winter Break.
I also love Stetson Library. It's far prettier in the spring and summer, when you can barely see the brick through a thick mat of ivy, and in the fall, when half the ivy turns bright crimson, but it doesn't look half bad in the winter, either.
Here's Thompson Chapel from behind, taken a few weeks ago while we still had a bit of snow.
This is a view of my dorm room (and one corner of a very lovely foot, if I do say so myself) from my bed.
I'm considering names for my camera, because who doesn't enjoy naming inanimate objects? I already have an ancient, rusty white ghetto van named James (he has his own theme song, in case you were wondering) and a laptop named Blaise, both male, but I'm prettty sure the camera's a she. Any suggestions?