Carried on a Breeze

Apr 24, 2006 23:46

Title: Carried on a Breeze
Author: nutmeg610
Rating: G
Word Count: 578
Spoilers: er, I don't think so?
Summary: She a window flower, and he a winter breeze...
Notes: This was written for literarylemming's challenge for Charlie/Gabby fic using different poems as prompts. Enjoy. :)

Lovers, forget your love,
And list to the love of these,
She a window flower,
And he a winter breeze...

...But the flower leaned aside
And thought of naught to say,
And morning found the breeze
A hundred miles away.

~ Robert Frost

Gabby propped her elbows upon her window sill with a sigh. She let the cold winter breeze wash over her and seep into her bones. If her roommates were here, they would yell at her to shut the window, but they were all in the Great Hall, prattering on about their Christmas holidays and what they did during them. Gabby mostly kept to herself. They wanted nothing to do with her, so she wanted nothing to do with them.

A sharp blast of wind caused her white blonde hair to fly around her head, before it magically smoothed itself out again. Even with a quarter Veela blood, her hair had to make itself perfect at all times. With a frown, she put her chin in her hand and wished she was back at the Weasleys' for Christmas. It was good to see all of them, and to be a part of their tight-knit family for an English holiday. Had she been in France, she would have stayed home while her parents attended ball after ball. Or worse off, she would have had to join them at those balls.

She thought back to her Christmas with the Weasleys. She was of course invited because she was Fleur's sister, and now that Fleur was part of the family, Gabby was considered to be part of it too. She had spent most of her time with Charlie, asking him about his work with dragons. He never seemed to tire of her questions, or her enthusiasm, nor did he seem to just be humoring her. That's what she liked about him. She could tell he liked talking with her about dragons, and other things as well. At one point they had moved off the topic of dragons and onto other things as easily as if they had been friends all their lives.

Gabby slid her hands out the window and allowed the winter breeze to skim across her fingers. She missed him most of all. She wanted to write him a letter, saying how good it was to have seen him over the holiday, but she had told him that so many times while they were together, that it seemed redundant to do it again. There was nothing else for her to say to him in a letter either. She had only just returned to Hogwarts, and there was nothing worth noting in a letter.

"Nothing to say, that 'e doesn't already know." she whispered aloud to the breeze. With a sigh, she leaned back from the window and closed it tightly. Picking up her schoolbooks, she left for her first class.

Miles and miles away, in Romania, Charlie stood outside with his hands in his coat pockets. He supervised the new dragon keepers feeding a Hungarian Horntail, and when they were finished he advised them to get some lunch and tend to their burns. As much as he loved being back with the dragons, he missed being in England too. He wished it was still Christmastime, and he could be back in his childhood home. He missed his family, and all his friends that had visited for Christmas. He especially missed Gabby. After all, she was the only person he knew that could stand him talking endlessly about dragons.

A breeze kicked up and he braced himself against its cold bite. It was rather gentle though, and he relaxed his shoulders. Somehow, he had just realized that she missed him too.

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