(no subject)

Dec 24, 2005 02:43

Title: Nowhere Else I Want to Be (part 2)
Author: nutmeg610
Rating: PG
Spoilers: nope
Notes:This is part two (obviously). Part One is here. Now it's Charlie's turn! :) Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, if you prefer. Here's a present for all the Charlie/Gabby shippers out there! Feedback would be like, the most awesome thing in the history of ever.

Charlie was just pulling on his coat when Gabby came bounding into his tent, a huge smile spread across her elegant face. "You must 'urry up, Sharlie! I won't wait all day for you!" And with that she left the tent, as quickly as she had entered. Charlie chuckled and called after her, "Don't go without me!" before buttoning up his jacket and following her. She was a few paces outside, her arms crossed over her chest and an amused expresion gracing her features.

"What ees zee matter, Sharlie? Don't you trust me?" she asked with a grin.

Charlie smiled back and closed the distance between them. "Course I trust you." he answered. "It's the dragons I don't trust. C'mon." He took her hand in his and they walked towards the Norwegian Ridgebacks.

"When will you let me feed the dragons?" Gabby asked excitedly. Charlie sighed. "Gabby," he began in a gentle tone, which caused Gabby to let out a huff. "Oh, I see 'ow it is. You still see me as that little girl whose eyes nearly pop out of 'er 'ead at zee sight of a dragon." Charlie smiled again. "Your eyes still do pop out of your head."

Gabby dropped her hand away from his and crossed her arms over her chest, looking at the ground. Charlie sighed again. The walked in silence for a moment before Gabby spoke. "I would not be 'ere if the tamers in charge thought I could not handle zee dragons. I 'ave finished my training, so why do you still doubt me?"

Charlie stopped and turned her to face him. "I don't doubt you Gabby." At the look she threw him he added, "Really, I don't. Do you want to know what it is? I think, I'm just too overprotective of you. I know you can handle yourself with the dragons, but accidents happen, even to old men like me." A smile broke across her face at that. "And I don't want to lose you. You mean so much to me, you know." Gabby seemed to digest this for a moment, before smiling and wrapping her arms around him.

"I am sorry mon Sharlie. I'm being too impatient. I will trust your judgment from now on."

Charlie pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. "Well, I guess I gotta realize that you're all grown up now, oui?" Gabby giggled and nodded her head against his chest. Then she pulled away and grabbed his hand. "Come! Zee dragons do not like to wait for zere meal."

"All right, all right. Walk slow, I'm an old man!"

Gabby laughed as she pulled his hand. "No you are not! You are my 'andsome, young, sweet Sharlie!" Charlie had to swell his chest out a bit at the 'handsome' part and took a few quick steps to catch up with her. "You know what?" he said. "As part of our new understanding, I think you should help me feed the dragons, instead of just waiting and watching. What do you say?"

Gabby threw herself into his arms. "I say you are zee most wonderful man in zee whole world!" As she practically knocked the air out of him, he grew a bit dizzy, and a moment later, he found himself lying on the floor of the Burrow in his sleeping bag. He blinked, once, twice, and took in his surroundings. Not more than five feet away was Gabby, sleeping on the couch, as the Burrow was crowded with Christmas guests. He shook his head, hoping to shake the dream away with it. But it was no use. The idea of he and Gabby together as a couple was planted in his head. Well, he thought to himself, at least she was older in my dream. And with that thought he rolled away from her and tried to get comfortable again. "That's the last time I eat pie right before bed." he murmured aloud. On the couch, Gabby stifled a giggle.

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