First I just want to say Sorry to Chris. I didn't mean to make you worry. I sometimes wish you didn't know me so well, because you know when things are bothering me. I love you! And trust me I am very happy that you do know me so well. It shows me that you pay attention to me, which I already know but it is a reassurance. I am sorry that I have little insecurities. Truthfully you are the first real relationship I have had. Two weeks isn't a relationship and 2 years online. That is but it is different then being able to hold the one you love. Trust me babe you have nothing to fear. I will get little insecurities and feel uncomfortable about talking about them. but when it comes to bigger things I promise that I will bring it up as soon as I feel it and it's an appropriate time. And I am now babbling. OK So on to other things... I miss a lot of my friends Dayle, Shawn, Kerri, Katie, Older HS Friends to. Just thought I would share that. OOH I need to get FFXI...I know Kerri, Katie and Adam have gotten it. Anyone else? Albert is going to I believe. I had an interview at Holister, they didn't call me back and I was supposed to goto one at American Eagle but I got the message to late because my aunt thought it was a creditor calling for me and didn't tell me until that day! I am thinking I should go Try out K-Mart and the grocery stores here. It may only be until January if I can move out with Chris. That's why I am worried about getting a job way up here. I don't want another short job on my resume either. I am getting tired now and want to spell check this before bed so Goodnight y'all!
herefox 62%
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